
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us,
so that in him
 we might become the righteousness of God."
2 Corinthians 5:21
Abby (13) Luke (9) At LaPaz eating dinner after haircuts
Hello! Just a short and sweet post tonight as I finish up another day! I laugh at my domestice bliss this week in yet another post, night two of "family dinner around the table" at a restaurant...smile! But hey, we ate together, at the table. And last night I cooked Abby's favorite (Alice's too, who was over to eat with us) Chicken Fried Rice...yum! Tonight's choice was out of convenience and because our favorite tex-mex place is close to the hair salon and it's just a great excuse to eat there. 

 Anyway, I really just had to show the snapshot of Luke's new haircut the "swoosh". He has the prettiest thickest hair and we were at "Angel Hair" forever (he will be glad to tell you it felt like forty-five minutes, hmm every bit of thirty!!!). How ironic that Abby's new t-shirt says swoosh, just realized that, love it!! Am I randomly typing tonight or what? Actually this is how I talk so it's accurate. I notice details and connections. I include it in my writing and I love it when people get that. Most don't and I understand that too. I am forty now so I really don't care what others think...haha! I better get some shut eye or start writing my post when I wake up with the chickens........

Tonight, my closing thought is this ....Look at our verse for today, 2 Corinthians 5:21. Read it again. Now, notice

it begins with


it ends with

Isn't that amazing? So is He. God, Our Heavenly Father is so amazing that He "made him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us,
so that in him
 we might become the righteousness of God."

Everything begins and ends with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Blessings, Suzanne


  1. Hi Suzanne!
    What great-looking children! And dinner around a table anywhere is a good thing - especially Tex Mex. That's my personal fave. :)I love it that you get connections - that's how you see God's "hand" in things - and sometimes it just blows you away! Love it when that happens.


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