
Showing posts from February, 2015

Get Your House In Order: Cancer Gala 2015

" For God said, who said,  "Let there be light in the darkness, "  has made us understand that this light  is the brightness of the glory of God  that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6 When Jeff sent me an email about going to another Gala this year, I can't say I was that excited. Don't get me wrong, I am all about raising funds for causes and these types of events are wonderful venues to do so. And for most people (girls), the idea of getting dressed up and going out is.. ideal. It used to be for me. Now, I prefer a much lower profile, a home cooked meal, earlier bedtime and being with my family. The problem with that is, I have made that ideal, so now we shake it up:) I quickly changed my mind and my attitude when I found out that this was the ARTBLINK Gala for The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center to raise funds for cancer research. A cause close to my heart. And not to mention, Jeff and I are way over due for a date ni...

Get Your House In Order:Answer

" For am I seeking the approval of man, or of God?  Or am I trying to please man?  If I were still trying to please man,  I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10 Have you ever asked God why you are in the same situation, different day? Have you ever had Him answer that question  with an unlikely example? Well, that happened to me yesterday. I was working at one of the local hospitals.  As I stepped  out into the hall, from a pain management doctor's office, I saw a lady, about my age, working hard at getting herself to the elevator in a wheelchair. I felt bad zipping by and not saying anything so I say "You are doing so well, I would help you, but I know you are getting stronger by doing it yourself." She smiled and said "Yes, I am ready to be out of this thing." I explained that I only knew that because I worked for a physical therapy company and had been a patient myself. It took her twice as long but she was determined....

Get Your House in Order:

"For to the snow He says, 'Fall on the earth,'  And to the downpour and the rains, 'Be strong.' Job 37:6 Snow 2015 Day #57 Focus on doing my job well Blessings, Suzanne P.S. Saw Mom at lunch and she had rollers in her hair, feeling better and getting things lined up...yep she is getting somewhat back to normal:))

Get Your House in Order: It's Snowing

"O Lord, the King rejoices in your strength.  How great is his joy in the victories you give." Psalm 21:1 "Where's the snow?" I asked Luke for the snapshot tonight since he and I have been together, ALLLL day, waiting, watching and getting weary (not really).  I was up in the pull down attic, piling in the stuff I cleaned out from the playroom,  (sidenote: getting the house in order;)) when I heard "Itttttt's snowing, Mommy." Finally. I have sung "let it snow" repeatedly and loudly , I have worked, cleaned, did laundry, made chicken noodle soup, stayed in my pajamas, and finally tackled the playroom late this afternoon. Still no snow.  And finally, I have two happy campers playing in the flakes! Abby has enjoyed sleeping very late and being in her room most of the day:) But she surfaced when it started getting to the "snow time." Now they are making mini versions of snowmen and excited that school just got del...

Get Your House in Order: Expected Snow

"To the end that my glory may sing praise to You  and not be silent. O Lord my God,  I will give thanks forever." Psalm 30:12 First grade, Big snow in Douglasville, Ga Snow is all the rage around this house tonight...the excitement, the wonder and the ease of knowing there is no school tomorrow! Oh to be a kid again! I have proof from the picture,  first grade, Douglasville, Georgia, (sporting those boots) that I too, had a little fun once upon a snow day! In the south, we it's such a treat because it's not the norm. And yes, we go bizerk with a few inches:) We have food, a fireplace, coffee and hot chocolate, all set!! The anticipation of  snow and ice has had it's highs and lows the past two weeks. And even Luke said to me yesterday "I am giving up on it even snowing this year." I got it. He was disappointed. Let down from what he expected. Yet today, he has been updating me quite frequently about "the big snow ." As for m...

Get Your House in Order: Weekly Check-Up and then Some

"I am the door;  if anyone enters through Me,  he will be saved,  and will go in and out  and find pasture."  John 10:9 Last week's Wednesday Weekly check-up was cancelled due to a more important topic, Mom's health condition:) The thing is I didn't realize it until today, when I was looking for those little pink post-its, ready to get back on course. As a chronic list maker, as well as coordinator of, hmm, many feels comforting to look at a list, telling ME what to do. What to focus on. What to discipline myself to do. And knowing that each number represents a day that the Lord gave me to live out His plan.  He is the One that gives me the ideas of what to focus on anyway! So we continue...small changes. Day after day. Focusing on........ Hope. Standing Guard. Let your mind rest. Balance. Restoration. Still Waters. Trust More, Doubt Less. Keep the right perspective. Get stronger. Praise. Confidence in Christ. Yest...

Get Your House In Order: Confident

Abby and GiGi Thanksgiving 2014 "Being confident of this very thing,  that he who began a good work in you  will carry it on to completion  until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 Day#53 Focus on Confidence In Christ Blessings,  Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Settling In

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering,  for He who promised is faithful:"  Hebrews 10:23 The Three Amigos, Mom, Faith & Gladys, Cruise 2013 Praising God for how well Mom is doing, amazed is all I can say! Hard to believe all this started two weeks ago when all I wanted was to clean my house (February 7 Post). I think we can get back on track now with getting the house in order. And I can continue to do update on Mom, but she is well on her way to a full recovery. She was able to do one circle through the house with a rolling walker today and something tells me she will be doing that a few times tomorrow! Jeff brought Abby and Luke over to see her, they haven't seen her since she was in the hospital. This brightened her day even more I could tell. And thanks to Jeff for making us all chili for dinner...and grilled Mom some hamburgers to eat on this week, per her request, to build up her protein:) Overall, it was a great day! Than...

Get Your House In Order: Home Again

"If my people, who are called by name,  will humble themselves and  pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,  then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin  and will heal their land."  2 Chronicles 7:14 Mom's favorite pic of their 50th Anniversary Cruise on the shelf Okay, Mom is finally home from the hospital!I just heard Dad say "Sure is nice to see you in that bed." And I think Mom is pretty happy to be in her own bed. And I have crawled in with! She is ready to start getting stronger...tomorrow!! Night ya'll! The verse for today is Mom's favorite, what a great one! Day#51 Focus on getting stronger Blessings, Suzanne P.S. Read Psalm 26, are you still with me on reading a Psalm a day??

Get Your House in Order:Perspective

"Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 Sports Club Dance 1991 I feel like I am pulling down my umbrella, fastening it and putting it back in my car. I don't need it anymore. The rain has passed. The storm has blown over, the sun is coming out and  blue skies are ahead................... MOM IS GOING HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL TOMORROW! She will be discharged and having home health and physical therapy to help her recover! I know she will be glad to be home. She is doing well. So, now onto the next leg of the journey, please continue to pray for her and our family. It's now time to serve her, as she has served us all so well, all these many years:) She is used to being the hostess, the cook, and director, but now it's her turn to receive back all she has given! And we want her to get back to her Saturday yard sales soon!!! I found the "ThrowBack Thursday" picture and had to share. This was in 1991, my se...

Get Your House in Order: Trust More Doubt Less

"For I am the Lord, I change not." Malachi 3:6 September 2014, Walker's Birthday Party As Dad and I left the hospital yesterday and went our separate ways, I told him I felt like we were at Six Flags, except these roller coasters were not exactly fun. Every day has been a change. All day Monday I just kept saying "I don't feel good about this, yet she is getting good reports, she is progressing, I can't explain it, I just feel uneasy." I prayed. I worked.  I consulted with friends. I had dinner with my family and went straight to bed at 7:45! But the feeling never left.  Mom sounded so good on our bedtime call that I started to allow doubt to creep in. Why was I uneasy when everything looks and sounds great? I was happy with the good news, but something was not right.  The schools were delayed on Tuesday and I slept until 6:45 (never, ever do that). And eleven hours of sleep, what a blessing, I was exhausted. I called the MICU nurse expe...

Get Your House In Order: My Shepherd

2013 Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.   He makes me lie down in green pastures: He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me  all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of Lord forever.  he leadeth me beside the still waters. Mom has been moved to a regular room! Prayers tonight that she sleeps well and continues to improve! The Lord is healing her, thank you for your prayers that are covering her ! Day#48 Focus on the still waters Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Restoration

"And he who was seated on the throne said,  "Behold, I am making all things new."  Also he said, "Write this down,  for these words are trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:5 Abby made Gigi a scripture poster and it covers her med board which Mom told me she memorized out of boredom the second day in..haha! This verse was perfect Abby!  Short and sweet tonight. Mom's report is that she is now off of oxygen! And her exact words were "I have been just a talkin all day." My call was very brief this morning, wanting her to save her energy. She called Abby after school to get the version of the bible verse that the scripture poster came from, one of the nurses was asking. Tonight, she sounded like her old self. As several of my friends and family have reminded me today, she has come SO far in a week. And the hand of God has been so evident.  Now, we are praying that she be strengthened  more and more each day with physical therapy! She s...

Get Your House in Order: New Normal

"God has poured out His love into our hearts." Romans 5:5 Birthday Dinner June 2011 Hey there! It seems that today, I have circled back to a term that I used many times when I was going through my own trial of sickness..."the new normal." You know how you go through things and in the moment, there is so much adrenaline, then you settle in and realize that it is just the way life is going to be in this season. Well, we are there. The ups and downs of the new normal. It is great news that Mom is progressing, the treatment is working and she is only on one liter of oxygen now, we praise God for this today! When I got to the hospital, it appeared to me that she had changed a little. I tried to wait a while and just see if it was me. Once she got up out of the bed, she looked better and said she felt better than being in the bed. I sat in the chair nect to her as news from each of the doctors coming in, one by one, giving report of their portion of h...

Get Your House in Order: Rest

"Greater love has no one than this:to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13 August 2012 Smith Lake Happy Valentine's Day! I LOVE my report on Mom tonight..she was able to use fifty percent oxygen all day instead of one hundred percent, woo hoo! She wanted me to call and let her know how the activities went tournament and  the horse show. I talked to her on the way home from Hartselle and she sounded even stronger than yesterday.  The doctor told me this morning that she was progressing. I know it is going to be a slow process, but she's getting there. The Lord is healing her! Dad/Papa knocked on the door about 6:00 to bring a valentine. He gives me one every year. I love that he puts so much thought into his cards, he always has. He normally does not like to be at home without Mom there. He has done okay this go round since she's been in hospital and I couldn't get him to stay longer than a cup of coffee....

Get Your House in Order: Better

" Let us therefore come boldly  to the throne of grace,  that we may obtain mercy and  find grace to help in time of need."  Hebrews 4:16 SEC Spring Meeting Banquet, 2014 I woke up at 3:30 am. I kept thinking "surely I would go back to sleep. I am exhausted." And then I thought about Mom because she said they wake her at 3:30 am  to get blood work and then at 5:00 for a chest x-ray. Both of which are necessary to monitor her progress. I finally got on up and  called the ICU at 4:30 am to check on her. The words from the nurse "she is the same " sent me over the edge. Thank the Lord He caught me. I totally realize I am vulnerable right now. Wide open for the enemy's attack of discouragement, distraction, discord, and disappointment. In my flesh, I fall for it every time. I look at the circumstance, the bad news, the person, fill in the blank and I get my focus on myself and off of my Maker. But in the Spirit, I fall fl...

Get Your House in Order: Hope

" Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,  for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble." Matthew 6:34 2012 Family Reunion, Me, Aunt Willette and I Wow. Day five of what feels like the movie Ground Hog Day. I really don't have much new news to report but was happy to hear Mom say she was feeling a little stronger today. If you are just now reading, she was hospitalized into the MICU on Sunday for low oxygen levels and  abnormal chest x-ray and cat scan. She now has the  confirmed diagnosis of " lung damage" from the medicine, Methotrexate. She has been taken off that, and is being treated by reversing the effects of the medicine, using a C-PAP machine to build up her respiratory reserves and is on 100 percent oxygen at this time. She is having a hard time getting used to wearing the mask without panicking but that seemed to ease a little today after some prayer! We are praying that she can get where s...

Get Your House in Order:Weekly Check-up

"For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall add to thee." Proverbs 3:2 (January) Disciplin e yourself to: 1. Seek the Lord every morning  2. Do one thing today you have been avoiding  3. Finish what you start  4. Embrace the down time  5. Listen and know that still small voice  6. Live thankful  7. Do a weekly Check-up  8. Eat atleast one piece of fruit daily  9. Be intentional  10. Do one project this season  11. Stick to the List  12. Slow down and Pay Attention  13. Wait  14. Do a weekly Check-up  15. Allow time for Adjustments  16. Learn a little something new each day  17. Take time for things you love to do  18. Know what season you are in  19. Look up daily  20. Live out your freedom in Christ daily   21. Do a weekly Check-up 22. Celebrate big and small things 23.Always look back and see the hand of God 24. Relax 25. Make time for your friends 26. Give God t...

Get Your House in Order: Maintaining

"I have set the Lord always before me;  Because He is at my right hand  I shall not be moved." Psalm 16:8 Sunday afternoon Headbands Game February 2014 The first verse in reading Psalm 16 today was "Preserve me, O God for in You I put my trust." And it was a prelude to my prayers all day long. I read verse eight to Mom at 5:30 am this morning on the phone which says "I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved." She said she had always loved that verse. I will be honest. I was a rough day for Mom. We found out her breathing has not improved since she was admitted on Sunday, but the good news is, she is not worse either. Chest X-rays have not changed much. The pulmonologist did a brochoscopy and we should get the pathology reports back tomorrow, they were  checking for infection and how to treat. Her lungs have been damaged by the methotrexate and it going to take some time to reverse those ef...

Get Your House in Order:Forty means change

" But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us piece was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5 SEC Spring Meeting 2014 I have written for the past forty days!Forty is the number of change and perfect for what I need today.  Change is good. Change is growth. Change is inevitable. I have learned to embrace it rather than escape it. To meet it head on with truth, cooperation and order. We must have change to get our house in order.  As I always do,  I truly write what is on my heart and on my mind. I write what the Holy Spirit puts on my heart.  With permission from Mom, I will share what is going on with our family right now. She continues to add to the list of people she would like to contact (and maybe join Facebook one of these days) so this is the easiest way to let you all know so you can pray for her! She is in the MICU, being treated for her inflammed lungs, fr...

Get Your House in Order: Jeff's Birthday

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17 Wishing Jeff a very happy birthday!! And sharing my  instagram post: 2004 Family Picture Flashback Happy Birthday, Jeff/Daddy!!!We love and appreciate you!  Seems like yesterday that this picture was taken,many moons ago... praying God's covering and Glory be shown brighter this year than ever!! Blessings, Suz " God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." 1 John 3:20 Day#39 Focus on the present day Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Clean House

"But;  I have trusted in your mercy;  My heart shall  rejoice in your salvation." Psalm 13:5 Feet up, sitting in my favorite chair:) A clean house  was my goal today, check! Jeff and knocked it out, it was a team event.. and now I am going to knock it on out to bed! Hope you did accomplished some great things today,  read Psalm 13 and enjoyed all God had for you! Day#38 Focus on working together Blessings, Suzanne

Get your House in Order: Girl Talk

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;  for his steadfast love endures forever!" 1 Chronicles 16:34 Abby and Sophia Freshman Year 2015 Hey There! Happy Friday! I hope yours has been as good as mine, after a very busy but productive day at work,  I was all set for a big night of ....are you ready for this (it's beyond your wildest dreams) my house!!! Yes, finally, what you thought this blog series was about, getting that house in order, right? I had geared myself up, for getting everything straight and in it's place,  ready for some deep cleaning tomorrow. It's been a while. It's more than a need at this point, it's a necessity. And the thing is I haven't been home one Saturday since the new year began. We had some work done to Abby's closet and her whole closet is in the playroom! Do you remember the room that is on the list to redo in this season (yikes) ? And did I mention that we have lots of animals but there's...

Get Your House in Order: A Tribute

Aunt Barbara Sue, Suz and Aunt Joy, Wedding Day 1998 I looked for and found this picture today, because in my heart, I needed it. I have not been able to write this until now.  I want to honor my Aunt Barbara Sue, who went to be with the Lord last week. I love her so. She and my Aunt Joy were my wedding directors and the picture was taken at my Bridesmaid Tea in 1998. Those two together were absolutely halarious! I don't know who laughed more when they were together and we all just joined in laughing as they shared stories! Aunt Joy was there to meet her in heaven, I am sure. You know those people in your life that always make you feel special and are genuinely interested in whatever it is that you have going on? That was her. All through the years, whether it was boyfriends, high school, college, marriage, children or greatest memories are sitting at the table with her and discussing the latest news in my life. She really cared. She loved her newspaper and coffee...

Get Your House in Order: Weekly Check-Up

"For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love,  loyal always and ever." Psalm 100:5 (January) Discipline yourself to: 1. Seek the Lord every morning  2. Do one thing today you have been avoiding 3. Finish what you start  4. Embrace the down time  5. Listen and know that still small voice  6. Live thankful  7. Do a weekly Check-up  8. Eat atleast one piece of fruit daily  9. Be intentional  10. Do one project this season  11. Stick to the List  12. Slow down and Pay Attention  13. Wait  14. Do a weekly Check-up  15. Allow time for Adjustments  16. Learn a little something new each day  17. Take time for things you love to do  18. Know what season you are in  19. Look up daily  20. Live out your freedom in Christ daily   21. Do a weekly Check-up 22. Celebrate big and small things 23.Always look back and see the hand of God 24. Relax 25. Make time for your friends 26. G...