Get Your House In Order:Answer
"For am I seeking the approval of man, or of God?
Or am I trying to please man?
If I were still trying to please man,
I would not be a servant of Christ."
Galatians 1:10
I was working at one of the local hospitals. As I stepped out into the hall, from a pain management doctor's office, I saw a lady, about my age, working hard at getting herself to the elevator in a wheelchair. I felt bad zipping by and not saying anything so I say "You are doing so well, I would help you, but I know you are getting stronger by doing it yourself." She smiled and said "Yes, I am ready to be out of this thing." I explained that I only knew that because I worked for a physical therapy company and had been a patient myself. It took her twice as long but she was determined.
We talked for the next few minutes about her being a gymnast and her love for working out, beautiful lady. She had herniated discs and problems with her knees. But she just kept saying" I am going to work at this and I am going to get better. I don't like being dependent on this chair or on medication for the pain. I will get better (and she plans to get her physical therapy she's been putting" I believe she will. I could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.
We parted ways and I moved on with the rest of my calls. Once I got in the car I began thinking about what this small but powerful experience had just shown me. The mountain I go round and round with God. I had just demonstrated to this stranger, yet I miss the mark in my own life......
Stop doing for others what they can do for themselves. It may hinder their walk.
Day #58 Focus on what you can change , not what you can't
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