Get Your House In Order:Answer

"For am I seeking the approval of man, or of God?
 Or am I trying to please man?
 If I were still trying to please man, 
I would not be a servant of Christ."
Galatians 1:10

Have you ever asked God why you are in the same situation, different day? Have you ever had Him answer that question  with an unlikely example? Well, that happened to me yesterday.

I was working at one of the local hospitals.  As I stepped  out into the hall, from a pain management doctor's office, I saw a lady, about my age, working hard at getting herself to the elevator in a wheelchair. I felt bad zipping by and not saying anything so I say "You are doing so well, I would help you, but I know you are getting stronger by doing it yourself." She smiled and said "Yes, I am ready to be out of this thing." I explained that I only knew that because I worked for a physical therapy company and had been a patient myself. It took her twice as long but she was determined.

We talked for the next few minutes about her being a gymnast and her love for working out, beautiful lady. She had herniated discs and problems with her knees. But she just kept saying" I am going to work at this and I am going to get better. I don't like being dependent on this chair or on medication for the pain. I will get better (and she plans to get her physical therapy she's been putting" I believe she will. I could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

We parted ways and I moved on with the rest of my calls. Once I got in the car I began thinking about what this small but powerful experience had just shown me. The mountain I go round and round with God. I had just demonstrated to this stranger, yet I miss the mark in my own life......

Stop doing for others what they can do for themselves. It may hinder their walk. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 

Day #58 Focus on what you can change , not what you can't



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