Get Your House in Order: Hope

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
 for tomorrow will worry about its own things. 
Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble." Matthew 6:34

2012 Family Reunion, Me, Aunt Willette and I

Wow. Day five of what feels like the movie Ground Hog Day. I really don't have much new news to report but was happy to hear Mom say she was feeling a little stronger today. If you are just now reading, she was hospitalized into the MICU on Sunday for low oxygen levels and  abnormal chest x-ray and cat scan. She now has the  confirmed diagnosis of " lung damage" from the medicine, Methotrexate. She has been taken off that, and is being treated by reversing the effects of the medicine, using a C-PAP machine to build up her respiratory reserves and is on 100 percent oxygen at this time.

She is having a hard time getting used to wearing the mask without panicking but that seemed to ease a little today after some prayer! We are praying that she can get where she needs to be without having to be put on a ventilator(temporarily)  to rebuild her lungs. Join me on that. I have not put that in my reports thus far, but that is the reality we are looking at if there is no change.

She is still very alert and talkative (through the mask, breaks my heart). She told me she woke up with a bible verse on her mind and it was about taking away sin and she just kept saying take away my sickness. I loved that prayer, Mom. Although today started out a little rough, but she trudged on through it and was in much better spirits by this afternoon.

I am amazed at how God provided more than I could have asked for today. He knows that I hate leaving her in the hospital, like a Mom leaving a newborn. He knows that I have not cooked in a week and sent a friend with a wonderful, early dinner before Luke's basketball game. He knows that I needed the encouraging words and Godly strength spoken to me in the gift shop, from a high school friend.  He knows that she has walked this. He knows that what I don't know, there is a friend ready to give me the truth and be straightforward. He knows those pretty pink flowers brightened my night and reminded me to live. He knows. Our heavenly Father knows. I thank God, that He is control.

Day#43 Focus on hope


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