Get your House in Order: Girl Talk

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; 
for his steadfast love endures forever!"
1 Chronicles 16:34

Abby and Sophia Freshman Year 2015

Hey There! Happy Friday! I hope yours has been as good as mine, after a very busy but productive day at work,  I was all set for a big night of ....are you ready for this (it's beyond your wildest dreams) my house!!! Yes, finally, what you thought this blog series was about, getting that house in order, right? I had geared myself up, for getting everything straight and in it's place,  ready for some deep cleaning tomorrow. It's been a while. It's more than a need at this point, it's a necessity. And the thing is I haven't been home one Saturday since the new year began. We had some work done to Abby's closet and her whole closet is in the playroom! Do you remember the room that is on the list to redo in this season (yikes) ? And did I mention that we have lots of animals but there's dust bunnies the size of Abby's new rats? It's time to clean house.

Soooo, I pick up Abby and Sophia from school, (Luke is on a choir field trip until midnight:)), ready to begin my cleaning project. And then I remember I forgot to run an errand. Which leads to stopping by Publix. And deciding I need cleaning supplies and groceries. Boom. There goes the neighborhood.

While unloading the groceries, the girls meet me and we start talking about dinner options.  I begin to put the goods away. And then we stay, right there, in the kitchen, talking about high school, for the next TWO hours! We had made an appetizer, put up groceries, unloaded the dishwasher,(we meaning me;)) ate dinner and sat at the table. We covered it all. No silence, continuous, girl talk. Like I have not had in years. Wow, have things changed a bit! It was wonderful. I asked plenty of questions and I got plenty of answers ..haha.... and stories, laughs and funny looks!


What I had just written about loving so much last night with my aunt, I got to share with Abby and Sophia tonight. Thank you, Lord. This was way better than being busy tonight (it will be there in the morning). This was way better than my plan. And it was a gift. As God's word says in Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, "declares the LORD."  I have missed it plenty of other times, I am sure. Maybe I did clean house tonight. I straightened up that Martha spirit that likes to be busy when Jesus is calling me to sit at His feet. (see Luke 10:39)

Though my physical house looks "well lived in" spiritual house, my heart feels the same.

Day #37 Focus on His ways, not mine


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