Get Your House in Order: Weekly Check-Up and then Some

"I am the door; 
if anyone enters through Me, 
he will be saved, 
and will go in and out 
and find pasture." 
John 10:9

Last week's Wednesday Weekly check-up was cancelled due to a more important topic, Mom's health condition:) The thing is I didn't realize it until today, when I was looking for those little pink post-its, ready to get back on course. As a chronic list maker, as well as coordinator of, hmm, many feels comforting to look at a list, telling ME what to do. What to focus on. What to discipline myself to do. And knowing that each number represents a day that the Lord gave me to live out His plan.  He is the One that gives me the ideas of what to focus on anyway! So we continue...small changes. Day after day. Focusing on........

Hope. Standing Guard. Let your mind rest. Balance. Restoration. Still Waters. Trust More, Doubt Less. Keep the right perspective. Get stronger. Praise. Confidence in Christ.

Yesterday, out of the blue, I just decided to give up sugar for a while. So not a small change, a pretty big one, considering the amount of chocolate and sweets  I have been eating lately! I knew that I could do it when I passed up the donuts in Sunday School and the sugar cookies I bought for the kids at the store. Not even interested. Yet atleast. Sometimes we need to give up some things. Alot of times we need to give up things. Bye bye sugar for now, hello to feeling better. Every time I do this, I wonder why I started back. Everything in moderation, right? 

Mom and Dad seem to be making it just fine with their new rhythm. She started physical therapy today and was pretty worn out, but determined:) She said she and Dad walked some in the house today too. Quite the difference, those two being home! They stay on the go, and still working every day! 

How about you, how was your week? Have you been able to make some small changes this year so far?

Day #54 Focus on giving up what you don't need



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