"And he who was seated on the throne said,
"Behold, I am making all things new."
Also he said, "Write this down,
for these words are trustworthy and true."
Revelation 21:5
Abby made Gigi a scripture poster and it covers her med board which Mom told me she memorized out of boredom the second day in..haha! This verse was perfect Abby! |
Short and sweet tonight. Mom's report is that she is now off of oxygen! And her exact words were "I have been just a talkin all day." My call was very brief this morning, wanting her to save her energy. She called Abby after school to get the version of the bible verse that the scripture poster came from, one of the nurses was asking. Tonight, she sounded like her old self. As several of my friends and family have reminded me today, she has come SO far in a week. And the hand of God has been so evident. Now, we are praying that she be strengthened more and more each day with physical therapy! She said she was not quite ready to start that today. Word on the street is she may move from the penthouse tomorrow, but I know that God's timing is perfect so I will just trust him for the room change:)
This rainy day has helped me to focus on the cleansing power of Christ. Showers of blessing. He is cleansing and restoring and making new.
Day #47 Focus on restoration
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