Get Your House in Order:Forty means change

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us piece was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."
Isaiah 53:5

SEC Spring Meeting 2014

I have written for the past forty days!Forty is the number of change and perfect for what I need today.  Change is good. Change is growth. Change is inevitable. I have learned to embrace it rather than escape it. To meet it head on with truth, cooperation and order. We must have change to get our house in order. 

As I always do,  I truly write what is on my heart and on my mind. I write what the Holy Spirit puts on my heart.  With permission from Mom, I will share what is going on with our family right now. She continues to add to the list of people she would like to contact (and maybe join Facebook one of these days) so this is the easiest way to let you all know so you can pray for her!

She is in the MICU, being treated for her inflammed lungs, from what appears to be a reaction from the medication, Methotrexate (taken for Rheumotoid Arthritis). She has had low energy for weeks now, really has not bounced back since  her health issues in October. But as she and I (kinda) laughed about today "in Brenda fashion" she waited until she could push no more.. and had Dad call the ambulance to get her to the ER. Her oxygen level was extremely low, 27, but she has greatly improved since then. She has a ways to go and it will require rest and stillness. She is right where she needs to be, tucked in the ICU, where the nurses have been wonderful. She looks good and is in good spirits just a bit weak. She is also on bed rest. The Lord is strengthening her. She was in a very thankful place today when I went for a short visit. The nurse asked for no visitors because her levels decrease when she talks. And if I was there, she wanted to chat:)

So please pray for my Mom and for my Dad. Seeing the picture of them at the beach calms any fears, doubts or questions that come.. I pray for her to be back where she was then. I know that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the great physician and her Healer (Isaiah 53:5). I know that he loves Mom even more than I do. I know what He has done before and what His power can do now. And I know that I can pray "thy will be done." Amen.

Tomorrow afternoon we will know a little more, and tonight we leave her in His care.Thanks to  so many of you who are already texting and emailing with encouragment. Our family so appreciates your prayers. One thing I know for sure, God is with us! He is with you.

Day#40 Focus on prayer


  1. What a precious way to express your love for you mother and our Lord and Savior jesus Christ. I am in complete agreement with and all of Heaven that with Jesus' stripe she IS healed. Amen.

  2. Thank you, Jan! That means so much, right now! Thy will be done. I stand on God's promises and what His word says, keeping my eyes on Jesus and not the circumstance. Only He can do that! Mom is in His hands. Love her so much. Thanks for standing with me! Blessings, Suzanne


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