Get Your House in Order: Weekly Check-Up

"For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, 

loyal always and ever."

Psalm 100:5

(January) Discipline yourself to:

1. Seek the Lord every morning 2. Do one thing today you have been avoiding

3. Finish what you start 4. Embrace the down time 5. Listen and know that still small voice 6. Live thankful 7. Do a weekly Check-up 8. Eat atleast one piece of fruit daily 9. Be intentional 10. Do one project this season 11. Stick to the List 12. Slow down and Pay Attention 13. Wait 14. Do a weekly Check-up 15. Allow time for Adjustments 16. Learn a little something new each day 17. Take time for things you love to do 18. Know what season you are in 19. Look up daily 20. Live out your freedom in Christ daily  21. Do a weekly Check-up 22. Celebrate big and small things 23.Always look back and see the hand of God 24. Relax 25. Make time for your friends 26. Give God the Glory for everything 27. Let go of distractions and move on 28. Do a weekly check-up 29. Follow Through 30. Drink more Water and Juice 31. Make Lasting Memories 

(February)Focus On:

32. Small Changes Daily 33. Being Obedient 34. Doing Your Part 35. Do a weekly Check-up

Day#35 Do a weekly check-up


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