Get Your House in Order:Weekly Check-up

"For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall add to thee."
Proverbs 3:2

(January) Disciplin
e yourself to:

1. Seek the Lord every morning 2. Do one thing today you have been avoiding 3. Finish what you start 4. Embrace the down time 5. Listen and know that still small voice 6. Live thankful 7. Do a weekly Check-up 8. Eat atleast one piece of fruit daily 9. Be intentional 10. Do one project this season 11. Stick to the List 12. Slow down and Pay Attention 13. Wait 14. Do a weekly Check-up 15. Allow time for Adjustments 16. Learn a little something new each day 17. Take time for things you love to do 18. Know what season you are in 19. Look up daily 20. Live out your freedom in Christ daily  21. Do a weekly Check-up 22. Celebrate big and small things 23.Always look back and see the hand of God 24. Relax 25. Make time for your friends 26. Give God the Glory for everything 27. Let go of distractions and move on 28. Do a weekly check-up 29. Follow Through 30. Drink more Water and Juice 31. Make Lasting Memories 

(February)Focus On:

32. Small Changes Daily 33. Being Obedient 34. Doing Your Part 35. Do a weekly Check-up 36. Honoring those you love 37. His ways, not mine 38. Working Together 39 The present day 40. Prayer 41. Maintaining what you change 42. Do a weekly check-up

As I skimmed over this week's list, I can surely see that God had me prepared for a change in circumstances. How well I am aware of life changing so quickly, but even today, I caught myself picking up the phone to call Mom at work. My heart dropped. Oh yea. For intermittent periods I was able to carry on a regular workday, but then I would think about her and say another prayer. 

I went to see her at lunch. As of this morning, the pulmonologist had said no change. The plan is keep her on the c-pap machine more to build what he called was her "respiratory reserves." She has very little. The samples taken from the  brochoscopy were all negative, so no infection. And while I was there, they changed her plan to the cpap mask every four hours for thirty minutes and 100% oxygen all other times until they can gradually lower her to 50%. This gave Mom some relief to know. 

She hasn't felt much like eating, but we tried some jello and apple sauce and that was lunch:) I was feeling a little discouraged when I left but around 5:00 I called to check on her and the nurse said she had been up for an hour. In the recliner watching TV. That's a huge praise! She wanted no part of it earlier. She got a bath too. Sounds wonderful to me. Her anxiety has decreased. I am praying that she has turned the corner! "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

So pray with me tonight that those reserves are building up! And for this girl, I am going to bed. Soon...

Day#42 Focus on doing a weekly check-up


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