Get Your House in Order: It's Snowing
"O Lord, the King rejoices in your strength.
How great is his joy in the victories you give."
Psalm 21:1
"Where's the snow?" |
I asked Luke for the snapshot tonight since he and I have been together, ALLLL day, waiting, watching and getting weary (not really). I was up in the pull down attic, piling in the stuff I cleaned out from the playroom, (sidenote: getting the house in order;)) when I heard "Itttttt's snowing, Mommy." Finally. I have sung "let it snow" repeatedly and loudly , I have worked, cleaned, did laundry, made chicken noodle soup, stayed in my pajamas, and finally tackled the playroom late this afternoon. Still no snow.
And finally, I have two happy campers playing in the flakes! Abby has enjoyed sleeping very late and being in her room most of the day:) But she surfaced when it started getting to the "snow time." Now they are making mini versions of snowmen and excited that school just got delayed for tomorrow!
I talked to Mom several times today, she is continuing to recover, thank you all for your continued prayers and texts/emails, etc to check on her. I think she is finally realizing how much better she feels being off several of the medications. Wee praise God for her great progress!
I hope you are enjoying your day! Don't give up on what you have been waiting will surely come..usually in the eleventh hour. A great reminder of God's promises. One of my favorites is Isaiah 40:31 "but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." And I close with this, Luke just buzzed through and said "I told you it was going to snow, Mommy, Jesus would provide."
And the snow is beautiful to see looking out my office window, coming down in the dark sky. Thank you, Lord for such a good day at home with my family. The slower pace was just what I needed. You always provide what we need. Amen.
Day#56 Focus on having a few more slow pace days
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