I was standing at the kitchen sink, as I do about twenty-five times a day (smile) and looked out the window and saw the red cardinal. Always makes me smile because for years cardinals have been an ongoing sign from God, that give me reassurance that He is with me and is taking care of "things." You know the "things" of life that try and steal our joy, distract our minds, and get us thinking that we gotta figure it all out. All the while taking our minds off the One who does have it all figured out. Our Maker, Deliverer, Healer, Peacemaker, Sustainer, Savior and Lord, Jesus. It also reminded me to always look for Him in every situation. Though I may not have full understanding, this side of heaven, I do have reassurance that He is with me. He is for me. He has a way of turning things completely around in a way that you, and others (key point) will KNOW that He is God. It is He that moves the mountains of life. He that makes the valleys low and the rough places smo...