While I was working yesterday, I parked the car and just happened to catch a glimpse of this beautiful bird flying right into the tree in front of me. However, it was hard to see where he went after he landed. He was quite hidden for a minute so I snapped another picture once I could visibly see him..or her..but let's just say him for now..lol! He blended right in to the colors of the tree. If I had not seen him fly in I never would have known he was there. He sat there on the branch a minute and then he was off and so was I. A brief encounter with a bird. But atleast it made me stop. It made me take in a little refreshing taste of the beauty God has created for me in that moment. Encounters don't have to big. But that sure got my attention and beckoned me to just stop and enjoy, to live looking for God in all things. Even amidst going about my day. Stop, look and listen. It's important. He's always there, always present, always giving us a chance to find Him, even tucked away in tree. Let us be hidden in Him as the bird was in the tree. So much so that we our thoughts are on the kingdom and not the world. Hidden to the point that we desire to seek after Him more than anything else. Hidden in a quiet place of knowing He is God. Hidden on the vine.
"I am the vine, you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 Memorize that one...I did in a bible study seventeen years ago and still remember (most) of it, mainly "apart from me you can do nothing." Thank the Lord we are the branches on His vine.
Day 83 Today’s verse...
"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." Jude 1:2
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