Unexpected Visits
"...be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."
Ephesians 6:10
Me and my walking buddy, literally, this is "Buddy", he's Dad to me but most people call him, Buddy or George:) He was just the motivation I needed yesterday to get my walk in and break up the busyness of projects around the house. Our first attempt was hindered by drizzling rain so we headed back inside and put on a pot of coffee. We visited and prayed and drank lots of coffee.
An hour later, the rain stopped and we headed out to the hills. I did, however, line up Abby to come get us at the bottom of the big hill, it's hard for me and I didn't want Dad to over do it. He was so cute. The whole walk he was telling me story after story, mostly he shares about people he tries to bring to Christ or childhood stories or favorite songs. I had forgotten about this hill, and once we got to the top, I snapped the picture. We rested a minute. He said with a laugh "Is Abby coming soon because I don't think your old man can make it up another hill!"
Once our white horse, in the form of a Jeep Cherokee came and picked us up, we decided to make some lunch. Tuna fish sandwiches and Luke was also in the kitchen making some pancakes which totally had Papa in awe! All the while, telling more stories, and just enjoying the time together. I realized at one point that there is just nothing more precious than an unexpected visit. I thank God for the this quality about Dad, he always is willing to give his time and make every visit count! Smile!
After spending my Friday night having a paint party in Luke's room, this was a welcome low key Saturday afternoon! More to come on Luke's room, finally got his new mattress and guest room is up and ready for company as well. Progress. There's something to this fixer upper deal, I am thinking the Lord has a sense of humor here. Letting me know to "fix" the things I can and leave the rest to Him. He is God:) I need not focus on the things I can't change anyway. Refuse to this year. What freedom. Only in Christ Jesus!
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Bye Bye Blue hello Anew Gray |
"For it is by grace that you have been save by faith and this if not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8
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