
"God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day." Psalm 46:5

Good morning! It has been a few days, yet I am still in Psalm 46, still on a twenty-one day journey. I laugh at how literal I really am. This is day eleven and I am so wanting to look and see how many posts I have written, I felt sure I would write one a day! My eyes landed on this verse yesterday "If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm." Psalm 37:23 and was light a bolt of lightning! You see, I am learning, that when you walk by faith and not by sight, things just, quite frankly, don't make sense. Hmmm, great revelation at 5:15 am huh? So simple, but Lord, thank you for the reminder. Why do I get so caught up in the details that I miss the point, and maybe miss the lesson. HE is WITHIN me (and you) and I will not fall! I will stumble, will make mistakes, but when I am fully surrendered (over and over) to Him, my steps have to be firm. Because He does it, not me. He calls me when to write and when to unload the dishwasher, to get thirty more minutes of sleep,to spend that time releasing my cares to Him, to talk with my husband, to exercise, to finish up a project, to cook a meal, to make another list,to be available to my children, whatever on earth this busy season has for me to do. I must be so in tune with Him, that I know what step is next, because He moved me that way. And writing is a perfect example. There's always a distraction, yet I am choosing to step over (that is usually very literal, like shoes or a dog or children;)) or on it and push through!!! I want to encourage you,whatever your passion is,whatever you are feeling that calling to do, that push to pursue...Let the Lord make those steps firm! Solid, He will prepare the way. And just so you know, there's always more in store when you are obedient, pursuing your passion always involves helping others! I like to surround myself with those who challenge and encourage me to move ahead, to better myself, reach higher, don't you? I also have learned that my number one fan is my Creator! He is within me, He put the desires in my heart, many of which are surfacing the older I get and the closer I get to Him. Praise to Him for that. Let me hear from you on this, I need some feedback people...big smile! smoore.suz@gmail.com

I wanted to close with this very heartfelt thought...
This I is a picture of Abby and I on the Shore of Haines, Alaska in July 2009..That was the highlight of our day, collecting these unique rocks to bring back with us as a reminder of our time spent there!It was on this two week celebration trip of my parents fifty years of marriage, that I was able to wrap my mind around all that had happened to me in 2009. It was also a time when I believe the Lord called me to begin ministering to others facing cancer, their families and also using my writing to share the testimony of God's faithfulness in any time of crisis. It seems He uses the circumstance but it reaches out to those going through anything. This picture is a picture of hope to me! I had no idea those rocks would be so symbolic. And look at that GI Jane hair...I also wore my wig and scarves on the cruise. I will have to share those pictures along the way. I finally said, I am done with it, there's enough fuzz to cover the scalp so I am going with it...so courage was brought out of this trip as well, from within! As I write these posts, one day Abby and Luke will have them to share with their children!
Back to the heartfelt thought....
As I am traveling along, still in some ways, processing and healing from having breast cancer, I stand in amazement at the revelation of the Holy Spirit. When I say stand, I mean it. I am standing on this...when I read the words, it felt as if it were my story. In essence it is, all our story. Our God is the same yesterday,today and forever. Meditate on these words of the prophet Isaiah today, and keep memorizing Psalm 46. The Lord is healing you as well."Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you, he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are those who wait for him! O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help!AS soon as he hears, he will answer you. Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:18-21
Be lifted up today and get those wheels turning about what God has put on your heart. Take one step further today, but wait, let Him make it Firm...He is within. A heart full and overflowing with love today!

Blessings, Suzanne


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