31 Days of Pink: On My Nightstand
"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand."
Isaiah 64:8
Many books end up on my nightstand. Atleast they used to...lately it's just my phone and honestly, it's just not the same. I miss reading. Sure, I usually only get through three pages and start dozing but it's I can pick back up the next night. I begin again. And in the theme of 31 days, the book I was given today is perfect!
"The View From the Front" is the eight month journey through the eyes of her husband, Bill, a testimony to the love expressed by Team Crystal..and the promises of a Big God (taken from the back of the book). I am excited to read a new story and from the perspective of the spouse. Most of all to see the handprint of an Almighty God through the process of breast cancer.
Guess what? In the first chapter, the surgeon's name mentioned happens to be mine as well. Nothing is a coincidence. Well, gotta go so I can read..haha! This has inspired me and is more of a confirmation to get that book from my experience, finally written. I told Abby yesterday, that I really can't move forward until I get that done. It will become a reality, in God's timing. He has already written the story anyway. Forever thankful am I to Him. Goodnight!
Day#297 Reading is one of my loves
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