Get Your House in Order: By Their Fruit

"By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?"
Matthew 7:16

Luke is settled in...
Summer is underway and there's a little of this going on...(or alot:)) but that face, well kinda makes this Mom melt. The Apple. There it is. Just last week we had a major catastrophe and it was out of commission for a day. It was like the world had ended.

When I got home from work and we were talking through it (after it and he had recovered), I said "don't you see how we can waste a whole day being upset over something we have no control over." His response "yea,and I just ended up with a bad headache." "Sometimes we are unable to let things go as we should, it takes us surrendering to God and asking him to take away our frustration or disappointment.It is usually not right then but as we continue to pray and find direction in God's word, peace and instruction comes." 

In His Timing.

Spoken to him, speaks to me. God works that way ya know...

Day#159 Be aware of the fruit


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