Get Your House in Order: Coffee Station
"..but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
John 4:14
Our coffee and tea station in the kitchen |
My love for coffee did not start until after college. I think I maybe had ten cups before then. Once I started my job in "the real world, I began drinking a cup every morning at work, you know, with the other grown ups...haha! Now twenty something years later, I flat-out L.O.V.E. it anytime of day, several cups a day! It''s more about the experience of it with me. I love to meet for coffee, chat at the table with coffee, have dessert with coffee but more than anything I love my morning coffee. It is part of my routine..... coffee, bible, journal, chair..begins my day! I have incorporated green tea and chamomile especially on days that I am working at home.
When we moved into our house, there was another oven in the location of the coffee station. It reminded me of the Brady Bunch. A few years ago, Jeff removed it and we had someone at Pop's cabinet shop make this for us. Perfect fit. I especially love this space since we painted the!
Day#87 Mornings are important, start them right
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