31 Days of Pink: Rollercoasters

 “I am the “alpha and the omega” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8

Caringbridge Journal April 14, 2010
"I am yours, save me; for I have sought your precepts." 
Psalm 119:94

Whose are you? Who can save you? How can you find out whose you are, who you are and be saved? The answers are all in this verse. David is so honest in his writing in the Psalms, they are a rollercoaster of up and down circumstances. Writing this blog has at times felt to me like an endless rollercoaster but don't we usually enjoy the adventure of the ride? I guess the only difference would be we stand in line for the rollercoaster, actually choosing to jump in and never beginning without the trusted bar across the lap for safety. We know that even though the hills are steep and the movement is fast, we will get an adrenaline rush like nothing else!! 

There's screams, laughter, some crying (which are shown on America's Funniest Videos and always make me laugh), hands thrown up in the air (like you just don't care) and usually friends or family with you, beside you or waiting for you when it's done. I laugh thinking about my last rollercoaster ride (s) on Space Mountain at Disney World with my friend Tiffany. She convinced us to ride it two more times after the initial ride and finally I said no more, love her for that, we balance each other out likes brakes and an accelerator!!! Abby was my co-rider and I am sure I screamed the loudest but we were with friends, enjoying the ride and a bonus, no lines! As a cancer survivor, I can tell you no rollercoaster ever humanly made could equate to the thrill of this ride! My favorite part...THE SAFETY OF THE LORD'S PEACE AND PROVISION NOT ONLY ACROSS MY LAP BUT ACROSS MY HEART.

 No I didn't choose this and most of the time didn't like the ride of pain and suffering but I loved that I was buckled in, holding on to my Lord so tight, nothing could separate me from Him. There were plenty of times were I felt the lap bar shaking, the atmosphere was anything but peaceful, yet somehow my Lord tightened it up and bit, all I had to say was "save me." Sometimes in a whisper from the weakness, or in tears or even in laughter,now oh my I am shouting, look out!!! I told the Lord "I am yours" but guess what HE TOLD ME THE SAME THING!!! Just as He tells you, no matter what you have done, are doing, He can save you. Jesus died for our sins and paid the price, grace is given freely because of this. Now this IS your choice, no one can make that decision for you. And my faith can not save you, Lord knows I have tried to "fix" and "save" but it is the Lord who does that. I pray that you seek the Lord.

 I feel like the word of God is my "track" for my rollercoaster, As long as I stay on it, buckled up, I cannot go where He is not. This doesn't ensure a life free of difficulties but it does ensure peace. The Lord so sweetly reminded me that He has not put me on a road to perfection, but on a path, His path. It is more fun than I could have imagined!! Even on days where I feel stuck and that can be frightening, keep it going, don't stop, I know that God is in control!!!!Highlights of yesterday were Abby and Luke's first tennis lessons...after the first two or three hits I saw that look of confidence in their eyes saying "I am yours." And you know I was so proud. Just like God does with us, look to Him for the confirmation you need.  Then just a few hours later as they pitched fits because I made them come in and shower....yep, "I am yours". We take the good and the ugly just like God but He loves us, He saves us, we've sought Him and we are His. Have a fun day and thanks to all of you still giving me gracious encouragement. I still need it. Love you very much! "I am yours, save me; for I have sought your precepts." Psalm 119:94 

Blessings, Suzanne


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