Hope Does Not Disappoint Us

"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:5

I made the decision that I was going to post something today, anything to get this blog going! It was such an outlet for me to daily update when I was going through the cancer process. And now even the more shall I share of the day to day happenings of my walk with the Lord. Tonight, I am propped up in the bed where I spent many hard nights, COMPLETELY AND FULLY HEALED. And shoulder length hair. And eyelashes. It has been my joy in the last year to be able to walk along side several women in the trenches of breast cancer. It was also God's way of allowing me to see with my own eyes (and soul) what happened to me and how it feels to be the one watching. See it's two different views. One as the patient and one as the friend/family member. Both roles are heart wrenching. The part that has been the most rewarding is helping to ease the pain of hair loss. Unless you have been there, you really cannot fully understand the depths it reaches into your soul. The mind tells you "You are healthy, this is hair, why do you care about that, how vain, etc" but the heart says "what is happening to me, this is unnatural, I look so sick, how devastating." That's what I have told several women. The sigh of relief manifests quickly and there seems to be a sense of these feelings being okay. I also like to share that I wouldn't trade it for anything. It was not what I chose but what it produced is PURE FREEDOM. Being stripped bare of your external identity and feminine appearance puts you in the place to realize you are truly is what is on the inside. You find out who you really are. And then you come really like who you are. And then you are free to be who you are. Who you are in Christ. I have been remade and I do not take lightly that this is His plan for my life. I count it an honor that I have walked this path, shedding whatever would hinder God's purposes, suffering so that I can minister of God's faithfulness and sharing to bring Glory to the Lord. It doesn't have to be hair loss, it' s about any loss. A relationship, a job, a death, finances. God will replace what He removes. Always a sacrifice, that's the hard part. Loss is disappointing but is not without hope. Why? Because "God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit." How? He gave Him to us. Hope does not disappoint us. Thank you Lord for that.

MOORE NEWS: This summer is flying by...Abby and Luke have been spreading their wings and spending more time away from home. Lots of spend the night's with friends, grandparents and cousins, camps and a fishing trip with Jeff and Pop to Louisianna. I have enjoyed the time to get some organizing and decorating done! I am also challenging myself to get in better physical shape...took my first yoga class and a bigger stretch...a cycle class!!! Jeff and I have had some time together as well which has been nice! So just a few weeks until school starts!!Abby starts middle school and Luke third grade! I remember being in sixth and third grade...oh my!

"You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out." Deuteronomy 28:6



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