Forty-Five Verses: Where Would He Find Me?

It's a pretty direct question. Where will He find Me? It came to mind as I remembered back to a significant incident that happened while Jeff and I were in the car years ago. We were driving down a mountain, here in Birmingham, and I all but gasp for breath at the sight of a man walking up the mountain as we drove down. He was carrying a very large wooden cross and wearing a white toga, shoulder length hair and clearly was making the impact he intended to...he looked just like Jesus! I mean, the way we have seen Him in movies or Sunday school I still think about it from time to time as I head down that same mountain. Breathtaking Jesus.
Where would you find Me? When He comes back that is...more importantly what would the condition of my heart be? Would He know me? Have I spent time getting to know Him and walk through the good and bad with Him? I can't stand the thought of Him saying "Depart from Me, I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23) Would He find me being kind and forgiving or selfish and bitter? Would He find me worrying about things I can't control or trusting Him to be in control? Would He find me worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth or spending my time on my own needs and wants? Would He find me serving others, encouraging them and going the extra mile or doing one more thing to fill up my schedule that only benefits myself? Would He find me reading and studying and memorizing His word or watching another Netflix episode or scrolling my phone for hours? Would He find me tithing and being a cheerful giver or spending money on worthless things that pass away and in most cases do not go on to help someone else? Would I fall on my face and worship Him right then or not even recognize that He was there? Would He find me utterly in awe that I was finally, finally seeing Him face to face?? I sure hope so. With everything within me, Jesus, I pray that I would daily remember that gasp for breath in just thinking I saw Him. I pray that you know the depth of His love for you and that you seek Him daily. I pray that you are continuing, as I am, to memorize His word so it is tucked safely in your heart to pull out in a moment's notice.....
Where will He find you?
Day 45/45 Today's verse...
"For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favor as with a shield." Psalm 5:12
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