Happy New Year |
I started 2017 with Him and when the clock strikes twelve I will have ended it with Him and begun the new journey of 2018. Jesus. The King of my heart. Thank you for this year to remember, a sweet, sweet year. I will continue in moving forward with all you have already started. I have all these ideas, that are kinda repeats of ideas... I call my "new year resolutions" but I think I am going to rename it this year...New Year Solutions. Because God always has the solutions. I need not try and figure it out. Oh goodness, have I been around the mountain with that one. It is already figured out, it will be okay, really, it will. This past year, I did a cleanse of sorts...from fear, from panic. When I wanted to immediately "freeeeak out" over anything, big and small...I would do my own hashtag #don'tpanic. It seemed to kinda put the brakes on so I could gather my thoughts (ask the Lord to take these thoughts captive and make them obedient to Him) carry that situation all the way to the end and come to the realization, that it would be okay. I would be okay. No matter what. It was okay...because...I have a sovereign, ever present God who is just that...God! He is God. Be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10). And then came the fear factor. Oh how that spirit of fear will paralyze you in a New York minute! Same approach...#nofearonlypeace. Hmmm, to think that I was hashtagging my own self..haha and my prayer partner, oh course! I noticed in December that something was very different, I felt different, I looked different, I even sounded different at times. And then it hit me. This is what it feels like to be full of peace. I want to be full and running over. My life was filled overabundantly in 2017 with many new people and experiences and for that I am thankful...but the biggest blessing was the presence of the Lord. I sought Him like never before. I wanted to lay on the altar at times. Kneel in the posture that kept me as close as I could possibly get to the One who not only gave me life, my first breath, but the One who taught me to live it. To live it for Him and not for myself. To declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I have not felt this alive in years. Fully present in my own life and alive. What a blessing!
Soooo, my New Year Solutions....
-write daily (blog and manuscript)
-meal plan (yes I have to write this down, Lord help me)
-exercise daily
-open up our house atleast once a month for friends and family
-memorize forty-five verses
That's a start...what about you, what are a few solutions you are aiming for this year? I know that if I stick to these, next year at this time things will look different, just as this year, even better. It is my prayer that this be the year that the Lord use me however, wherever, to whoever in ways every day that shine His light. He is a good, good Father!
As for the Moore clan tonight we are eating some chili made by Jeff and hanging out around the fire pit on the deck (brrr) ...making smores. Smores with the Moores. Ringing in the New Year together with friends and family. I love that it is on a Sunday and we have prepared hearts and open minds to welcome all that is to come for 2018. No doubt about it...God is good! Live and declare the works of the Lord...
Day 16/45...Verse for today ...
"I will not die but live, and will tell what the Lord has done." Psalm 118:17
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