Mammograms Are Not Scary
"The Lord will guard you as you come and go, both now and forever."
Psalm 121:8
Happy Halloween! I haven't dressed up in years but today I am dressed in pink from head to toe, large hat and all! I smiled as I put that hat on my head full of hair. I chose to wear it, not to cover up but with the intention of STANDING UP AND STANDING OUT! I was always uncomfortable with hats because I felt like I stood out. Wigs were just plain uncomfortable and scarves were my covering of choice but oh when the day came for the buzz cut look...happy Suz!
I will never forgot the day (8 years ago), I was working at the hospital making calls in doctors offices, finally feeling better. I had sported my "buzz cut" look other days, but for some reason was just not feeling the confidence that day. Those who have been through losing your hair know all too well... it gets exhausting. The looks. The eyes down. The explanation. And my friends with alopecia, they are the strongest ones I know. I walked around the big orthopedic practice in a black hat, cute might I add, that I had been to many times, with Allison, my coworker. This practice had all so sweetly, followed my cancer recovery progress. I walked up to Dr. Tracy Ray and he gave me a big smile, a hug and then said "Well,....why do you have that hat on, you have hair now, you don't need that hat." I mumbled something. But the truth was those words went straight to my heart and lifted my confidence. So, today I personally thank Dr. Ray, who has no idea how God used him that day. Thank you, Dr. Ray, miss seeing you! I thought of that sweet memory when I put on the biggest pink hat ever to complete my costume today. By the way, the hat was my Aunt Brenda's (still had TJ Maxx tag on it, how I miss her), my pretty pink lady and she would be happy that I have my pearls on too.
In case you are wondering (I kinda did too as I put this pepto look together), I am a walking mammogram reminder on this last day of October..Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It may be Halloween but.....
Get yours, I had a normal mammo at age 35 and was diagnosed with
Stage 1 Her2 Positive Breast Cancer at age 36.
My message is of HOPE. Of HONOR to those who fought. Of HEARTS joined together to help one another. Of Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6 I am thankful that for the growth in Him that came from something I would never choose BUT WOULD NEVER CHANGE. Cancer shall not paralyze and silence the truth of God's glory. We win either way, eternal hope wins!!! Healing Happens. Jesus Saves.
Pink Blessings,
P.S. Comment with any names of friend/family to pray for or to honor their memory
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