Life You Have Imagined

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up  their crosses daily and follow me."
Luke 9:23

Live the life you have imagined. 

Such profound words. If only it were that easy, huh? At some point I think many of us forgot what we imagined. Part of that is good, for the sake of changing our view of life to more of what Christ's plan is than our own. The other is to LIVE it with Him, and by doing that, we cannot even imagine what lies before us. For me it is about remembering that life is not all about me and my agenda, it's about the cross. I struggle with my flesh like the next person, but pray daily to die to self, take up my cross and follow Him. (Luke 9:23)  In that,  I

Live the life I have imagined.

Have Jesus as my best friend.

Treasure family and friend time.

Find Joy in the little things.

Love the word of God more than anything, it is life. 

Enjoy the sunrise and sunsets of the day.

Laugh at myself. Often.

Praise and pray through circumstances.

Cook dinner most nights.

Make up my own style and fashion..haha!

Nickel, dime or splurge items all bring me the same joy!

Working in a job that I mainly just talk all day:)

Journaling my way through life.

Fixing up another house. (and praying lots).

Letting Go.

Living. Thank you, Jesus, I am living.

Take some time and list out a few things that make up your life. Gratitude is what nourishes our soul. It is well. With my soul. It is well. Life is about the cross. He died so we could live! I pray you live:)

Happy February!


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