Get Your House in Order:The Basement
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you;he will never leave or forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6
TV, couch, desk for computer, eno, darts and scoreboard..all they need:) |
Abby's Animal Haven..rabbit, turtles,etc and Harley's day pin |
Craft Area...hoping to get it organized so we can wrap gifts and do projects here |
Tool Area..perhaps the most organized place in the house right now |
Abby's Parking Place adjacent to mine |
One of the reasons I wanted to move was to add a basement. I grew up with a house that had one and it was a place I could have friends over to play and hang out! And I spent hours on a telephone down there, for privacy, with a long cord foreign to my children who can easily access friends via face time or text. Those were the days! Anyway, here's the basement as it is now. The plan is to eventually finish the left side as Luke's room, bathroom in the middle and a den (man cave so I am told) on the right side. We enjoyed being down there for their game (confession, didn't make it through the whole game, headed to Target to get Luke a new Christmas tree for his room) Rollllll Tide!
I was talking to Abby and Luke this morning about various things and relationships (shhh, don't tell). I told them that I would do a few things different if I could. The main one being, pray more. Prayed more often. Prayed for guidance. Prayed about right choices. Not just a desperate prayer when things didn't go my way. I also wish I would have pursued the Lord more than I pursued the world. Thankfully, He never leaves or forsakes us, even when I left Him at times, He was still there for me.
Okay, there's was only so much I could say in this short period of time. I ended the conversation by saying "even if you don't feel comfortable telling me all the details, and I know you won't, please tell them to God. Pray to Him, in.all.things. He's way more qualified than me anyway and will guide in the way you should go." Oh and by the way, this conversation was going on while I was painting the ceiling in the guest room..Luke was on his computer...and Abby was putting up her tree.
In my mind, we need to be gathered around the table, doing a family devotion together but this was just as good or better. Do you do that? Almost miss seeing God's hand on your life? I am quickly reminded me to get out of my own way and let Him do his job, be God. Be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10)Be still and know that He is Abby and Luke's God. He provides teachable moments throughout any given day and they don't have to be on my agenda. They don't evenhave to measure up to my expectations.Thank you Jesus, what a relief!
Day#337 Pray more.
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