Get Your House in Order: One Red Gift

"But now says, the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel. "Fear not, for I have redeemed you ; I have called you by your name; You are mine."
Isaiah 43:11

My very muted picture of my birthday cardinal 2015

On Friday, the big day, my forty-third birthday, that yes, I am still talking about way past due, I was given a very special gift that I failed to mention. Perhaps it was the best one because it was God-given, in every sense of the word. Took my breath away.

I had just dropped Abby off at school and realized I needed to run back by the house aka my office, to pick up something I forgot. I pushed the garage door opener and as I was about to pull in...I slammed on the brakes, put it in park and quietly opened the car door. Only God could do this for me. I had to capture this gift in a picture.

A Red Cardinal.

 Sitting right there on our back fence as if to say "Happy Birthday." Always a reminder that God is with me and he loves me. Those cardinals. Get me every!  What if I hadn't looked over there and buzzed on in the garage, grabbed my stuff and off I go again? Oh, my I hate to think of not being able to carry that moment with me all day. And even now, it brings me joy.

This was definitely the year for pink gifts...pajamas, wrappings, and bags, roses,etc,  I was sharing the "pinkness" (because your know with me everything has meaning:))with Jeff he said "well I guess it's for breast cancer?"  I said "no, it's 'cause I am a girly girl, just short of being a priss, I know it"..haha! He just smiled. Good response.  But really, with all that has been going on in the last few months, God knew that I needed that One Red Gift...especially from Him. No matter how hard life gets, we can rest assure, we are not alone. Never ever alone. Immanuel, God with us. Take this away as my gift..God loves you and He is with you!

Day#318 Never lose the wonder



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