31 Days of PInk: Cancer Connectors

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."
2 Corinthians 1:4

About a month or so ago, I dropped a goody basket off at my child's high school for the teachers. Now, let me preface and say it was a work gig, we like to do that at the beginning of a school year in the communities where we have clinics. That covers a lot of schools these days, TherapySouth has grown quite a bit! Anyway, I remember it to be a Friday and I also remember thinking when I pulled in, it was a strange time to be coming there. I had even been there just a few hours earlier (umm, hello morning carpool). Abby politely told me she wouldn't mind if waited to take care of business after she was in the school. Totally get it. I go in, chat a few minutes and as I am walking out, I hear a familiar voice say "she is a cancer survivor and a prayer warrior." I stopped and turned around to see a friend (and fellow breast cancer warrior) standing across the room with one the school employees. I walked over to the two of them and she shared that this sweet lady was about to undergo surgery for cancer. I had met her and worked with her a few days last year at the high school registration. We shared a minute and I told her I would be praying and I have. I then proceed to say, " I kept wondering why I was coming to the school at this time. This was it, I needed to see you at this very time!" Off I went and I began that day praying for her.

Today, I got to the middle school early to drop off something and saw a grandmother of one of Luke's classmates that I met years ago. I asked her if she was little T's grandmother and told her I was Luke's Mom. I also told her that I remember her telling me several times she was praying for me while I was going through cancer. She said "oh yes, wow, you look like you are doing well now. I am going through it myself." As she was saying it, I then noticed the scarf on her head. I hadn't seen it before then. Did you hear that? I didn't see it. I can usually spot those anywhere. She was waiting on her hair to come back. It had been years. I told her I would gladly return the favor, I would pray for her. And I will. What a beautiful lady, not sure if she is raising her grandchildren...I have always seen only her with them. 

We got an email from the high school principal saying there were two wreaths on the school doors in honor of the precious lady I had just seen and have been praying for..my heart sank...I had just prayed for her and had been meaning to get an update. I am so sorry for her family and friends. Just in the few times I was around her she was always smiling and so sweet. Life can change so quickly, every day really is a gift. We have choices to live it to the fullest and with the most purpose for Christ. These two ladies are on my mind and heart tonight. It's been one of those crazy weeks but this puts things into perspective for me. AGAIN.

Lord, God, I pray tonight for this family as they are experiencing great loss and grieving, I pray for this sweet grandmother, that you will heal her from head to toe and provide for all her needs. Thank you that your grace is sufficient. That your strength is made perfect in our weakness. And for the peace that passes all understanding. Cancer can take alot from people but it can't take eternal life, what a blessing. We adore you, Lord. We honor and praise you.  Amen

Day #300 Pray and Participate in Kingdom Living


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