Get Your House in Order: Saturday Projects

"For we know that if our earthly house of (this) tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
2 Corinthians 5:1

Saturday was a workday at the Moore household, both inside and outside! The previous owners swingset was torn halfway down last weekend by none other than two mighty fifteen year olds (way to go Abby and Taylor!!!) The rest of the structure was hooked to the jeep and pulled down by Jeff yesterday. I did not see that happen, but I did watch as the "jungle" was pulled apart in one minute and taken to the road..behind the jeep. Family cheering loudly as Daddy backed the jeep in the driveway to start on the swingset! haha! I proceeded to walk down the street, while the other took place. I have my reasons, just kidding. It sure was nice to see that on the ground when I got back from my walk! 

 We have a clean canvas. A very rocky one, that doesn't have one patch of green on it...but it will! Lots of clearing and cutting and plenty of round up!

The disassembled swingset..danger, danger, lots of nails and wire!

Do you see our helper at the top of the stairs? He is always where we are!

This was my assignment (self-assigned:)) More ceiling removal. I must say, I did not realize how LONGGGG this hall was until I began this process today! It's very easy to remove popcorn texture ceiling...add water with a spray bottle, let it sit a minute, scrap, repeat! And how about my dropcloths, just happened to have two plastic tablecloths from the dollar store and they worked perfectly! The only downside is the still looks like it snowed in the hall, even after I vacumned. I was too tired to care. It still snowy in there today. But look how smooth the ceiling is....

And though it's not pictured (know this is kinda boring stuff, stay tuned), the foyer got a lift yesterday too! While working I kept thinking about the verse "a voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for the LORD, make straight paths for Him.'" Mark 1:3 

He makes the rough places smooth. Day by day. 
Take this heart of mine, inside and outside and make it reflect your Glory.
In Jesus Name. Amen.

Day#267 Third Sunday Service at Jesus Christ the Better Way Ministries


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