Get Your House in Order: Six Years Cancer Remission Photo (Finally)!

6 years REMISSION Cancer Free
"In Everything Give Thanks" 1 Thessolonians 5:18
This is in Abby's cute new room
Note the butterflies all around me!

Hey Friends,
With all the hoopla in the moving process, I never posted my six year shot (or took one..haha) after getting my clear report in April. My oncology checkup just happened to be the same day we put the house on the market and if you have been following along, you know the rollercoaster from there! I vowed to the Lord to never, ever take it lightly, His faithfulness, His Glory and my life changing experience with Him through having breast cancer. It's only part of my story, but it was a big part of our family's story, for quite sometime, as I recovered! Last night, I started treading down the road of "hows" and feeling overwhelmed about "the big move" and all the fixing up ahead... I quickly looked back and found this post. It gave me such comfort, right before I closed my eyes for a good night's sleep. Sweet sleep. I woke up feeling more clear and refreshed and the first thing my eyes saw (after the coffee pot) were the words " In Everything Give Thanks" 1 Thessolonians 5:18, on a burlap plaque in my kitchen window. I knew then this was the repost for tonight. Thank you Jesus for these six plus years, I am all yours!

I hope these words will speak to you as they did you need some comfort tonight?

Post from November 11, 2011

"Come and see the works of the LORD. The desolation he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear." Psalm 46:8-9

Hey Friends, I have taken a few days off from writing the blog, but the Lord has certainly been filling me with His word! The time has changed, it's nice to have the light this early, and something else changed on age! I turned thirty-nine years old and I feel the time has changed in my own life. You know how much a child changes from a newborn to a three year old? Like night and day. Everything about them is different and though we loved those cuddly, tiny days, we also love getting more sleep at night! And their needs move from total dependency on others to talking and walking themselves. They discover, that though they think they can do everything by themselves, it's not possible, so they cry out, and throw a fit a (or two or ten)And we get them through it, loving them all the same. Repeat the next day. It's how I feel about the past three years of my life. God has grown this girl up over the past three years!!!

He has totally recreated, rebuilt, and readjusted me for HIS having breast cancer at thirty-six years old. And I am not here to tell you it has been easy and I walked around joyful all the time. It hurt, it hurt my family, and it is still wreaking havoc on the bodies and souls of dear people close to my heart. It breaks my heart into pieces. Yet, it, cancer, the circumstance, was part of my story here on earth. And it, cancer, will be, for all the days of my life. But, He, Jesus Christ, has the victory of every single part of it. Some of it I don't understand, I have to trust Him. Yesterday, I had the honor, HONOR, of celebrating with a friend, who finished her chemo, over lunch. We sat there and talked and laughed and all I could see was beauty in her, wearing that purple flowy scarf and purple sweater. Beauty, because though she's tired and facing surgery next week, she wanted to thank me for these three words. I AM HERE. She blessed and uplifted me.

 And before that lunch I got a text of all clear scans from a fellow warrior, and after that an email of one finally feeling better after surgery, and the day before a call from someone with a  new diagnosis. All this, as I am going about my back to normal day, carpooling and such. My words to Abby were "You know, God develops ministry in you, without you trying to make it work, but you must have an open heart. I wonder what he will open your heart for, and what kind of things you will be doing for Him, as you are driving your children to school, maybe dog rescue...?" It was the perfect time to say that.

This week has been sprinkled with praises and disappointments in the cancer world. What I see from these survivors is STRENGTH. Not a fake strength, a God given strength, that says it's okay to say, Lord, I am tired, this is not what I had planned, but I will push on. Strength, to slow down when they want to keep going. Strength, to face a very, very uncertain road ahead. They also live, as I did in that season, in the present moment. My prayer for this year is that I go back to living in such a way. The present moment.

God's word says "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" Psalm 119:105 That light gets you through the darkness, step by step. Otherwise, you are feeling your way through and you can't see all that is lurking around. Stay in the word. Let it be your light. I ask that you take these words and apply them to whatever path you on right now. It is ALL the same to God.

The verses are a perfect painted portrait of what I have just written. "Come and see the works of the Lord". It's a review and what He's done, as we press on to our future. He was there then, and He is there now!As for me, it was His plan and in review of it, even the worst of days and circumstances, I still see, THE BEAUTY OF I AM BECOMING IN HIM. IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM. The desolation, which means "grief, sadness, devastation and lonliness", is the reality of the process. I experienced each and every one of these. As I am sure you have in your circumstance as well. The good news is, in ALL SITUATIONS, the Lord is the sole support and He provides his army of soldiers to pray, provide and pilgrimage. Psalm 66:5 says" Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf!"
To come and see, we first GO. The looking back at the handprint of God and the looking forward to our eternal future with Him forever is my present moment focus.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and prayers and love! My response to most was "I am thankful for #39 or thankful for all my birthdays" and the truth is I am thankful for each day. I know you are too! This is the month of Thanksgiving...."GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, FOR THIS IS GOD'S WILL FOR YOU IN CHRIST JESUS." 1 THESSOLONIANS 5:18

Day#220 Come and See


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