Get Your House in Order: Keep Laughing

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
Tiffany and I, July 4, 2015

My fearless captain, that makes me laugh until I cry and calls me Jackie-O:) Our last ride on the wave runner was a true memory minute we were enjoying the waves, the next we were under water! And Tiffany says I popped up out of the water with my big black sunglasses and pearl earrings on and said "What happened?" She laughed and said "I don't know Jackie-O" hahaha! So that's the big joke and here we are today (dry, not wet, we stayed above water!).

Feeling rested, refreshed and relaxed, I am ready for a new week! I hope that you are too! 
Thank you Lord, for this weekend! Amen.

Day#187 Keep Laughing


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