Get Your House in Order: Pass it Along
"Be gracious to me, God according to Your faithful love; according to Your abundant compassion, blot out my rebellion.
Psalm 51:1
I would like to share the devotional reading from Beth Moore's book "Breaking Free: Day by Day" for today. It is on a subject that I pray! OBEDIENCE. My prayer is that my life be lived out of obedience to the Lord rather than obedience to my flesh. It's a daily, hourly, minute by minute prayer at times. I miss it all together alot. Other times, when I kno.w the answered prayer is ONLY the result of my obedience (no one else', myself and I), it overwhelms me with the faithfulness and presence of God. It usually, almost never, makes sense. It is ALWAYS worth it, though it doesn't feel that way at the time.
June 28
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
"Allow me to stress again that obedient lives are not perfect lives. Obedience does not mean sinlessness but confession and repentance when we sin. Obedience is not arriving at a perpetual state of godliness, but perpetually following hard after God.
Obedience does not mean living miserably by a strict, confining set of laws, but inviting the Spirit of God to flow freely through us. Obedience means learning to love and treasure God's Word and see it as our safety. Obedience is the crucial key that ignites the liberty of Christ and makes it a reality in life."
Beth Moore
Day#180 Stay in Obedience to God
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