Get Your House in Order: Don't Judge
"Judge not, that ye be not judged."
Matthew 7:1
Otis and Bingo are Abby's dumbo rats that she got for Christmas (the only thing on her list). I for one am just not a fan of the tails, but in a short time they won me over. I don't even notice their tails now. They have the cutest personalities and are the smartest little things I have ever seen. Yes, rats.
Abby said "Mommy, people have them all wrong, they judge and they don't know anything about them." She has trained them to spin around for a treat and they completed (over and over) a very detailed obstacle course tonight, all by themselves, after just a few practices..haha.
Hmmm, as I think on this from a spiritual perspective I am very convicted. How quick am I to judge someone before I really get to know them? Do I sometimes automatically count them out because they look and think differently than I ? Am I missing out on a God-given friendship or relationship because I can't see past my own fears? These are questions to be pondered. Prayed through. Taken to the Father. Matched up with the Word of God, the only truth. And usually God changes my heart. Opens it all the way to infuse the truth and diffuse the conflict of spirit. What a blessing!
Day#181 Don't judge a book by it's cover
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