Get Your House in Order: A Very Long Hall

"Assuredly, I will set you free and care for you. Assuredly, I will intercede for you."
Jeremiah 15:11

I have said before that our house is the typical ranch with some long rooms! Our hall (no it is no a bowling alley) pictured here, is self explanatory..haha! It has been a struggle over the years to try and figure out what to put on the walls. They were golden yellow for years but are now painted in wool skein like that flows through the rest of the house. I have enjoyed the simplicity of putting one big item on each wall. All of our bedrooms are on this hall and it's well traveled:)

Please note the old doorbell hanging up high,  that has a "dinger" with it, it will be sad to leave that behind. We have had fun with that. I do love the new light fixtures as well. 

This long hall can also describe my week "the long haul." However, I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel on the home front...can't wait to share.  God is so faithful and true! A new beginning!

Day#136 Stay in it for the long haul


"If only we could understand that God's authority does not imprison us. 
It sets us free."
-Beth Moore


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