Get Your House in Order: The Same Message

"Save me, for I am yours; I have sought out your precepts."
Psalm 119:94

As I painted yet another window, I just happened to look down at my hand before I rinsed it off. There it was. Another white cross. This time I said to myself what the Lord first told me in 2009 "this is not about me, it's about the cross." It is about total unmistakable dependence on my shepherd (Psalm 23:1).  So, in 2009 the day before my cancer diagnosis, he gave me the simple steri-strips in my hand and today He gave me a painted form...same message..this life we live, it's about Him, not us and to live and tell of His great and mighty works.

Just had to share that. Only God. I hope this brings you reassurance tonight in whatever situation you find yourself, He is right there. Seek Him! I am in praise about you?

Day#126 White cross moments 
Blessings, Suzanne


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