Get Your House in Order: At the Most Unlikely Moment

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. 
When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same 
comfort God has given us."
2 Corinthians 1:4

Silvia and I at my first Race for the Cure 

You know, six years down the road, I am finding myself blending into life, as I knew it before cancer. As I walked into a doctor's office today (for work, not a personal appointment), I was immediately taken back six years. A couple was talking to the receptionist, the lady had a hat on with a big cross on it and "race for the cure" shirt, and I heard a little of the conversation going something like "it's causing my levels to be low." So familiar, all of it. The door slammed behind me. They turn around and say "Oh go ahead we are just talking."

I say hello to the receptionist but I look straight at the lady and out from my mouth comes "I've had cancer and I just want you to know I will pray for you." They look shocked at my now recovered self but all I could offer was my experience. Both she and her husband looked tired. I knew the look. I said "let me share one of my treatments, a man in the stall next to me peeked his head over and said to me " This ain't for sissies is it?" and I told him "no way." She smiled the biggest smile and laughed! " I needed a good laugh today". I can still see her face now. I didn't get her name but I have prayed for her often today. As we were comforted, we can also comfort others.

Thank you Holy Spirit for this opportunity to be in this place, at this time, to bring a laugh to this lady on a hard day. May I never take it lightly. Thank you for your guidance throughout the day and for your word that is a lamp unto my feet now and forever. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Day#146 We can help others by sharing our experience



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