
Showing posts from March, 2015

Get Your House in Order: Den Before and Afters

"By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established ; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches." Proverbs 24:3-4 Our painted fireplace and wood ceiling When someone comes to our home, I usually guide them directly from our small foyer, through the galley kitchen and into the den. It is the most used room (besides the kitchen for me) in our home. I usually say "This is where we live!" Two years ago, we finally painted the brick or I finally convinced Jeff to let me paint the brick..haha! It turned out exactly as I had imagined, lighter and brighter! I used the color  "Marshmellow" from Sherman Williams. Jeff also installed the wood ceiling, piece by piece, on top of the old ceiling. I had painted the same gold as the room. So we enjoyed it a good ten years first! Red brick Fireplace before we painted it Here is a picture from Christmas one year, with the fire burning, we so love cold ...

Get Your House in Order:R is for Rest

" Yes, my soul, find rest in God;  my hope comes from Him." Psalm 62:5 Day #89 Take time to enjoy the fresh air Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House In Order: Sunday Scripture

"So I have looked for You in the sanctuary,  To see Your power and glory. Psalm 63:2 I read these two verses to Luke this morning, he was the first one up, besides me. It was a great opportunity to tell him how I read the  reference verses that go along with the verses each day. We looked up the verses and read them as well. He thought that was cool (his words). We had a brief moment of discussion and then he moved on. We don't normally get that morning time together...what a blessing! Have a wonderful Sunday! Day#88 Go deeper in the Word of God Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Coffee Station

"..but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14 Our coffee and tea station in the kitchen My love for coffee did not start until after college. I think I maybe had ten cups before then. Once I started my job in "the real world, I began drinking a cup every morning at work, you know, with the other grown ups...haha! Now twenty something years later, I flat-out L.O.V.E. it anytime of day, several cups a day! It''s more about the experience of it with me. I love to meet for coffee, chat at the table with coffee, have dessert with coffee but more than anything I love my morning coffee. It is part of my routine..... coffee, bible, journal, chair..begins my day! I have incorporated green tea and chamomile especially on days that I am working at home.  When we moved into our house, there was another oven in the location of the coffee st...

Get Your House in Order: Dining Room

"By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out o a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going." Hebrews 11:8 We now have a dining room again. Hot off the press. Boom. As of  seven o'clock tonight. For the past seven or so years we have used this small space as an office. With some creative moving, using my desk for a server and a foyer table...we pulled it off. It was time to change it back! The china cabinet in the corner was given to us by the Moore's, one of my favorite pieces. It has housed all my journals and served as more of an office cabinet lately. I used some ivory colored gift wrap to cover the glass and cover the contents..aka mess!  And here is my desk the is the perfect size for a server! This is a before shot of the mustard color walls going gray and the glass in the china cabinet! Finished wall...I like the sound of that! Finished:) Very sign...

Get Your House in Order: Strong and Courageous

Photo by Abby "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged,  for the LORD your God  will be with you  wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 Day#85 Be strong and courageous Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Back to Life

"For in him we live and move and have our being.'  As some of your own poets have said, We are his offspring."  Acts 17:28 Me and my Design Coordinator, thanks Mom! Well, look who came over to help me hang some pictures and get me unstuck from my decorating dilema in the playroom! It was so nice to see Mom's car in my driveway when we got home from school. She has been getting out a little, but not much. Amazing recovery. She is a week away from surgery and counting it down! Thanks for your continued prayers ! I am very pleased with how everything turned out. We added a  mirror that I had up in the attic. Brought in a chair from the den. A dry erase board from the office and changed around some tables. There's a whole lot of function that goes on in that room! Atleast now it looks better and it's still highly functional! Sewing, art, tv, reading, games, etc...... This was on my list of things to do one project this sea...

Get Your House in Order: Daffodils

"The grass withers, the flower fades,  But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8 Day#83 Plant some bulbs this year Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Master Bath

"Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" Psalm 139:23-24 A few years ago we decided to do a master bath renovation. You could almost call it an addition because the bathroom that was here before was about the size of the bathtub! Our house was built in the 1950's so it had the typical stand-in shower, sink, toilet layout (tiny, tiny). One plus was the door going out to the patio but can't say I was said to see that go. Jeff actually did the design and picked out most of the tiles, fixtures, etc. I prefer the decorating aspect of the reno! I am always changing things around and this is the only room I haven't painted creme besides the playroom:) I have enjoyed the relaxing green color on the walls and blue accents which goes with our bedroom. I think the vanity is my favorite piece with the two sinks. And there is enough room to house all of our s...

Get Your House in Order: Sunday Scripture

"The heavens are telling of the glory of God;  And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1 This is a picture taken by Luke, early one morning last week. He came running down the hall and said "Mommy, I need your phone." He grabbed it and ran back down the hall, but quickly returned with this picture. "I knew you would love this, come see it."  Out the kitchen window was a beautiful pink morning sky.  Thank you Lord for that moment.  Unforgettable. " For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,  which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  Ephesians 2:10 Day#81 Write down the sweet moments Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order:Facing Fears

Nick, Luke, Abby and Emma I faced a big ole fear today. I was in the room with a bunch, like a hundred or so, of snakes. Yikes, makes me almost scream thinking about it! My children on the other hand, were thrilled, they have awaited going to this  reptile show for several months! My plan was to drop them off  and be close in case they needed me. I felt sure I would not be a fun companion, it felt a little like the house of horrors to me. I knew what was lurking in there...haha. I have come to like the bearded dragons, Jynx and Jerry that Abby loves so dearly ( but snakes scare me). Luke took Sally, his redfoot tortoise, to ask what was wrong with her eyes since she hasn't opened them in a while. Dehydration, who knew? So sweet Sally is now soaking in a bowl of water and we are all hoping for her to open up those eyes to see the world again. Should only take a few days if she "soaks" her each day. It really is interesting around these parts. A zoo, I tell you. I ...

Get Your House in Order: Celebrate

" Two are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed." Ecclesiastes 4:9 First Chemo Treatment Today is a huge day that I am celebrating with my one of my best friends since ninth grade, Carla..she completed her breast cancer treatments a few weeks ago and had surgery to get the port out!! I thank God she is cancer free and  for the journey  we have had together this year. Through her, God helped me to see myself and what I had experienced in the very same diagnosis.  Which brought greater healing.  A priceless gift. Second Chemo Treatment You have been a warrior, Carla and since day one, when I got your call, you put your trust in the Lord. There is much for you to do, much for you to discover and many more you will bless.  I celebrate with you today...YOU DID IT!  Rebecca, Suzanne, Carla...a happy day together Day #79 There is Victory in Jesus Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Parenting

"Train up a child in the way he should go : and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 These early years before school..sweet times "Remember, the goal is not to raise great kids: it's to raise kids who become great adults."                                                 -Andy Andrews Day#78 Love and Teach Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Crockpot Flop

"Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee." Job 22:21 A little bit of Easter in the kitchen... Raise your hand if you love coming home to a dinner that is almost ready in the crockpot? To leave the house knowing that I don't have to think much about cooking dinner when I get home, is a relief on a busy day. Which in this season, feels like every day. Yesterday I had the plan to make a new chicken and dumplings, only three ingredient, crockpot recipe. First mistake, I forgot to check and see if you used frozen or thawed chicken. Second mistake, I should have put the chicken in the crockpot that morning. Third mistake, it did not have long enough to cook. So what do you think dinner was like last night? Jeff said "well the peas are good" (haha). Luke said "I am still hungry, I think I need something less gooey" (makes me laugh writing it). What on earth? Abby said she had been snacking all day and wasn...

Get Your House in Order: Check-up

Checking up has been an important part of  this journey of order and lists and small changes, but this week I decided to do something a little different. That is part of this year's journey as well..doing things different to get different results. I opened up my Caringbridge journals from 2009, as I often do, just to keep my perspective on God instead of my "to do" list. I wanted to share it with you, it is from Easter 2009... "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:32 I take this verse to the depths of my heart as I write today, acknowledging My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to be the Healer, Deliverer, Magnificant, Mighty, King, Prince of Peace, lifter of my head, Sovereign, Omnipotent, God. I can't even fathom where I would be right now without Him. Glory to Him as He continues to amaze me through my storm. I honestly have not even had the energy or focus to sit down in front of this comput...

Get Your House in Order: Sunshine

"May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way." 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Abby's horseback lessons are on Mondays. The past month it has rained or been too cold so we have had to reschedule. But today....on this was beautiful blue skies and warm sunshine! It sure was nice to be back on schedule! She also got to ride one of the new horses and that was a treat! I enjoyed my afternoon at Rocking S Farms!! She is just as happy, in the stalls, grooming and tacking as she is riding, trotting and learning to canter around the arena! It is so sweet to see those girls working together to get the horses ready or helping feed, etc. Laughing and talking as they work! She rode the same horse at the Horse Show Challenge last weekend at Heathermoor Farms.  So, I still have lots on my list to get in order, but we are coming right along. What about you? Are you doing some spring cleaning? I was thankful to spend my day outside in ...

Get Your House In Order: Sunday Scripture

17th Anniversary Dinner Date " May the Lord direct your hearts into (realizing and showing)  the love of God  and into the steadfastness and patience of Christ  and in waiting for His return." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 Day#74 Reflect back and Move forward Blessings, Suzanne

Get Your House in Order: Moore Household Established March 14, 1998

"And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us,  a slain offering and sacrifice to God, a sweet fragrance." Ephesians 5:2 Happy seventeen years, Jeff! It seems like yesterday that we were having the best time at the swap, and you were trying to convince me stay out a little later (hmm, I was an early bird at 18 too)... I told you I had to get  onto bed to make it to my 8:00 am Italian class. You quickly replied with "Ohhh, you take Italian??? I love Italian.............(big smile).....dressing!  I laughed so hard, thought you were the funniest person ever. That was a great pickup line, by the way! I still made you take me to Tutwiler (dorm) with Lisa and her date! Fast forward seven years, how great of memory is the afternoon you proposed to me? You went to great lengths to make a wonderful dinner, had the table set with Paige's china and I came waltzing in from work (South Haven Nursing Home), on casual my unifo...