" Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Hebrew 13:8
Celebrating six-years cancer-free...
2009 After Climbing to the top of the Mountain in Alaska
2015 On the Calm Shore of Edisto Beach, South Carolina |
The very same God who was with me in January 26, 2009 is the same God with me today as I am without words to express my love for HIM. I raise my hands to the heavens and as I look at the picture, I am reminded of how very close the Father is to me every day, in sickness and in health. Mountains, Oceans and Valleys. Carpools, church services and cleaning house. He is with me. He is with you. The same God, forever.
This sixth year I don't come from a wounded place but one of great wonder and excitement of all that is ahead!!! I knew from this very day, six years ago, that this was way beyond me and that if my healing was to be on this earth, HE would be able to use this for His Glory. It was a win-win situation for me.
To LIVE here for HIM or
To LIVE in heaven with HIM.
I had breast cancer in 2009, and yet what I got along side of that in 2009 was THE most intimate time with Jesus, sitting at his feet, I have ever experienced! I stand true to my vow to Him. I will not take it lightly. He died for me. He died for you. Whatever you are going through, He is right there with you. Sit at his feet. Honestly, cancer was hard, but there have been some other very difficult battles fought during this time that I couldn't have faced, had I not been at His feet. I celebrate those victories today. Glory to you, Father. You are making me new. You are making us all new. Transforming us to be like you. Hallelujah!
On my beach trip this weekend, I told Shannon that I had never stayed in a house that close to the beach. As I sat there, watching the sunrise over the ocean, through the window, I thought about the parallel. I had never been as close to Jesus as I was when I was sick (just like I described in the paragraph above). And now I am well, and I am feeling just as close. Just in a different way. Everything is a season, remember?
We all have the same opportunity to be in His presence. God has not gone anywhere. Where are you? Go to Him. Right now. How about we start reading a Psalm a day? Would you join me today doing that? I would love to pray for you! Email me any requests.
I hope you have a fantastic Monday..I leave you with this thought..
Day#26 Discipline yourself to give God the Glory for everything!
P.S. Read Psalm 1 today
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