A few more days of Pink

"But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, 
and  all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33

As I pulled up these pretty pink vinca to replace them with some pansies, the thought came to mind that possibly there were "a few more days of pink." The idea to continue on a bit with writing about cancer survivorship.  I noticed how the cold night took most of the other flowers, but this little bouquet came together nicely, after, might I add, I had thrown them all in a pile to take to the trash! I looked in the box and saw lots of wilted leaves, but mixed in were these thriving pink blooms, still too pretty to throw out.  So I decided to begin again. And put the bouquet on the table where I have my morning quiet time with the Lord. 

Just like all of my journals over the past five years, there's lots of material on cancer survivorship mixed in with some "blooms", by that I mean, stories or information that are meant to be shared and not just put on the shelf. So though it may not be every day, I still want to include some of those on the blog for you. This is also for my children to have later (when I have long forgotten:)).

It's really kind of funny now, as I think of myself, planting the pansies by moonlight, in the freezing cold, because I was so  D.E.T.E.R.M.I.N.E.D!!! I pray they survive tonight! I bundled up, grabbed a mug of hot chocolate, a garden spade and turned the porch light on, sounds like a party huh?  I had some poor little yellow pansies who never made it into the ground and I just couldn't bear to waste two more flats. And let me also add, that I usually do not plant anything in the winter? I really desire to do alot differently this year. 

We have been talking a whole lot about the big "E" for Effort around our house lately and as I teach the kids about what it means to put forth your best effort to honor God, others and yourself...I say it loudest to myself! This extra effort to plant flowers may not seem like much but it spoke volumes to my soul. It was important that in the midst of the social studies project, the horse show outfit fail, the realizing that a walk was not going to happen to day, trip to grocery store, cooking dinner, that I could still have time to carve in something that was on my list today. To just have a moment outside alone, to think of nothing but planting flowers (quickly, it was colllllld)! And just enough time to get a creative idea from the Lord. A few more days of Pink. I think I will. Next Post...

How many times do we do just what I did with the flowers? We throw our faith in God in a box because maybe we have been away a while and we can't see there are still blooms. Or maybe we don't know how to pick back up with reading our bible and "planting" the scripture into our hearts that will fit for this season. Maybe you have never "planted" flowers (read the bible) or even know who this Jesus is that I am even talking about? God has a bouquet with your name on it! Remember this "the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8
I would love to hear from you on this and if you have any prayer requests, feel free to comment or email!

"Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Abby tutoring Luke in Math last night!

Let me close with this...Middle School has been one big transition for Luke! I am very thankful that Abby has adjusted so well to the high school and willingly decided to tutor Luke in Math. Now, any good tutor gets compensated and her student made a B on his test so she is hired on weekly basis:) A great way for her to save for her car and for both of them to put forth "effort."  When I redecorated my office, I put the long table and benches in there with a sweet vision of them doing homework while I worked. I guess that came true as well:) Though I typically work in "here" when they are not around (way too distracting..haha)!

Please note Abby is already advertising her services..smile!

"The joy of the Lord is your strength."
Nehemiah 8:10


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