31 Days of Pink: The Medical Team
"See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared."
Exodus 23:20
I have spent the last twenty or so days talking about the experience of having cancer but have yet to mention the absolutely, best medical team that were behind all the surgeries and treatments! And from the very beginning, I had prayed for God's best....He so delivered!!! I could not have picked a better "team" to go to bat for me! As you can imagine, I got very close to these doctors and nurses, seeing them so regularly!
Dr Phillip Fischer is my general surgeon and my first contact, so to speak..he told me the news. One of the things that I treasure about he and his staff is that they called me in the office to tell me. I have heard some really horrible stories about phone calls. He did the bilateral mastectomy and also my port placement for chemo. I was kidding with him that the port outpatient surgery was harder than the mastectomy and when he looked puzzled, I said "obviously you have not had a port put in."and laughed. No really, it was just that they were two and half weeks apart and ummm, unpleasant:) He did a great job! One of the most compassionate men I have ever known. Love the staff! Highly recommend!
Dr Stephen Steinmetz is my plastic surgeon. I met him the same day I got the diagnosis and he and his staff did their best to give me all the best options. Remember, I wrote about my experience here of how I was reacting but they stayed late that night and went above and beyond! He did the reconstruction surgeries. Here too, with all the follow-up visits, always very personable and caring. Love all the staff here too!Highly recommend!!
Dr Cara Bondly is my oncologist. The best there is in my opinion. I will never forget the day I called to set up my appointment and the girl answers the phone "Bruno Cancer Center" and I just sit there, no words come out of my mouth. "Hello" she says again. Finally, I say "uhh, hi, I am sorry I just can't believe I am calling to make an appointment here". She sweetly replies " you are not the first person to say that, now let's see, when do you want to set up your appointment. " Surreal. Anyway, Dr. Bondly was so positive and kept saying "leave here with these words...you have a good prognosis." She is so thourough, she listens, she is proactive, she takes action and she cares. The nurses there at the cancer center got to be my friends. They were who I saw more often than anyone when I got out, so it was a little hard to let go, once treatment was done. Yes, there is this weird weaning process you have to go through, because you are so used to seeing this new group of people so often. And you miss them, but not the chemo! Dr Bondly made this experience as easy as she possibly could and was always available...She will be my oncologist for life I suppose, my visits will just spread out.
Highly recommend!!
Now, I have been released from the surgeons and see Dr Bondly once a year. What a great team! I told them over and over that God had chosen them for me! He is the great physician and Healer and I believe He provided the best there is for my care! I praise Him for that!
And......I wasn't the only one who got a makeover..As of this year there is a newly built Bruno Cancer Center! I have seen it from the outside, been in the lobby, but I can wait until my yearly visit for a tour, in no hurry, thanks..smile!! I am so thankful that the patients have such a beautiful, peaceful place be now ....

"Yet he saved them for his name's sake, to make his mighty power known."
Psalm 106:8
I dedicate this post to Dr. Fisher, Dr. Steinmetz and Dr. Bondly, I am forever grateful to you for my restored health! To God be the Glory!
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