The Best Idea

"A merry heart does like good medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." Psalm 17:22 I thought it would be a good idea turn on the television to check the weather on Tuesday. This is not my normal routine (they are both likely to wear short sleeve shorts every single day of their life so I gave up the weather years ago..haha) There had been alot of talk before bed and high hopes that school would be cancelled. But the forecast only called for a "light dusting." So to their disappointment, I woke them up, began our day like normal. I also thought it would be a good idea to come back to my home office for about an hour to answer a few emails and make some phone calls,before heading to a downtown hospital to make my calls. Oh how thankful I am for that hour turning into two, thus delaying my trip downtown. At 10:00 or so the snow began to fall and I found myself on the phone with my Mom and saying "Well, I have got to go down there and get this w...