"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.
I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."
Revelation 22:16
I dedicate my Post this Sunday to Bruce Baily.........my first cousin, who went to be with the Lord this year and is very much missed here on earth by his family. I found this adorable picture of him on his daughter, Brooke's facebook and knew this was it! It is the SMILE i LOVE THE MOST...however, this manly man, always in my memory with jeans and a plaid shirt, but with a pumpkin and bunny ears...for the sake of a beloved grandchild, DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THIS! So why not post it on Christmas, we have covered all the holidays, I don't know I think I may have gotten a giggle from him on that? We had our annual Townsend family Christmas and any time someone we love is missing, and there have been several down the years, Mamaw and Papaw Townsend, Toots, Ray, Ed, Doyle, it is bittersweet. No suffering, but a sense of loss. For we know as believers, we are not lost but found in Him. But the ache of the loss in our hearts, aches. So, we rely on the only Comforter that can fill the void and grieve. (Isaiah 61:2 "to comfort all who mourn")We can grieve. We can weep (John 11:35). We must remember and cherish those here and those we will see again. This morning, that's a little heavy, and you know what that is OK, I do not, you do not have to carry these burdens alone. With tear in my eye, I glance to the left and see this picture of Bruce. And then I smile through the tears because I can still just hear his voice "Well hey Suzanne and a big ole hug." He was a somewhat quiet man and we didn't have alot of conversation and yes, I am sure I talked if we did, but his presence was on of love and contentment when he was there. And to honor him would not be complete without a story. Boy do I have one. His wife, Jane reminded me alot when my kids were running around crazy on these Townsend Christmas gatherings. So Jane this is for you.... this is her recount of the story " Bruce and I came over to Mamaw Townsend's house when we first got married and you sat at the door and screamed and cried for (was it hours or minutes..haha) and Bruce looked at me and said "WE ARE NEVER HAVING KIDS." But luckily they didn't stick to that and they have two amazing children, Brooke and Matt who now have their own children, who I am quite sure have never made a rucas as my sassy self..smile!Liam and Tanner are two little lights of sunshine for sure!! I love that story and I love that I have that now to carry in my heart. So, our family christmas was a beautiful day, I loved every minute of it, every conversation, every bite of food, every hug, every memory, EVERY FAMILY MEMBER, they are the root of my origin and of my heart.
And as we focus on our family root, for some of you that's very hard due to various reasons. It may not be so good for you. And even for those that it is good, we must look to our "Root" our Almighty God. Therefore, whether good or not, you can hope in the Root...Jesus, human offspring (descendant) of David, Savior, Lord of all. As the Messiah, He is the "bright Morning Star." There is hope, there is comfort, there is relief. Trust in Jesus. Have a blessed Sunday. The Lord is with you.
P.S. There is the most beautiful red cardinal in my backyard as I finish this post, always my sign from God that He is with me. How beautiful are gifts only HE can give. Keep your eyes open for them, they are there, every single day.
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