
"I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

My niece, Mae and I after the Race

    2012 Race for the Cure


Nationview Team

  Celebrating my third year as a
 Breast Cancer
All Glory and Honor to my Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ
"By His wounds I am healed"
Isaiah 53:5

Nationview Team, thanks to this awesome group!

My walking buddies Kristin (also our sweet babysitter) and
Cheryl (my friend and co-teacher with 2 year olds Sunday School)

Pop, Paige (my sister in law) and Mae, we had a fun ride downtown together
p.s. I was snapping the picture

Michelle and I in 2009, we walked together physically at this race, we walked together emotionally on some hard days, she led me on the rough road from the time of my diagnosis until after my treatments. She went home to be with the Lord May 31, 2012. She won the battle. She is missed terribly by those of us on earth who were so touched by her love and sweet words, her prayers and faith in God.

always finish the race



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