"Behold I will bring health and healing. I will heal them
and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth."
Jeremiah 33:6
Tonight is the big REVEAL! There is POWER in any big reveal, right? Don't you love to watch a show that has a surprise ending? Well, this is not quite that dramatic and this is not the end of a show, but here goes....since 2012 began I specifically used a word from scripture for each post that spelled out.......
presence,press on, precious, patient, promises, purpose, pure, paths, power
over, order, obtain, overcome, offering, out
walking, waver not
equipped, enter, endures, expectation, exchange,exceedingly abundant
Tonight's verse has a significant meaning, as I will be having a minor outpatient procedure done tomorrow at 12:30pm. To be back in an operating room does not excite me. And you would think after the major surgeries this body has undergone I would not blink an eye at this "female" surgery, yet my mind has a little too much thinking time to think of a way out....haha! Nope. This is a solution to the low iron issues that I have been experiencing for several months or longer, and I am believing all to be well, healed, health and a day or so of well needed rest. As I glance up at the words above, presence is the one that resonates deep, it is the presence of the Holy Spirit within us that gives us the power, His power. And for the last two days, this being the third, His peace. "...your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace." Ephesians 6:15 So, today brought back some memories that have been tucked away a few years (yehh, I can say that now)... I was packing up the kids clothes to go to Nana and Pops, and loving that the house was cleaned today, helping Abby memorize the forty-four presidents, cooking and serving dinner before 5:00, walking in the dark with Catherine in the neighborhood, I paused at one point and just said "Thank you, Jesus, you did this." I don't take it lightly. The memories today were not of panic but of peace, however, He gave me peace in the big storm, just like what I have for this little one. To Him Be the Glory. I pray that you go to Him in your storm, your tornado or sprinkling rain...He will heal you and reveal the abundance of peace and truth. I guess I have one prayer requests...since I can't eat or drink after midnight and that means NO COFFEE pray that our morning will go smoothly. Abby's response was"stick to your devotion in the morning and we will be fine." Luke's response was "aww I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed." My response was if you both will just get up without me dragging you out of bed, Mama will be happy!!! All is well.
"He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." Malachi 3:3
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