
"I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love."
Hosea 11:4

Good afternoon! I would like to begin by dedicating this post to a little boy named Anderson Thrower, he is finishing up chemotherapy treatment today for leaukemia (three years) and we celebrate this part of the journey being OVER!You can visit his caringbridge site to learn more about this family's journey. Anderson was diagnosed a few weeks before me with cancer and I have prayed for this day to come where that baby does not have to endure chemo another day. Though suffering was involved, I praise God for the beauty He has brought from the ashes, a ministry was born during this trial, the Ateam. So, we rejoice with Anderson, Andy, Jan and Avery, at this milestone, this victory and give God glory for the healing of this little lamb!

I was working at a hospital on Monday and stepped on an elevator, for what seemed like the twenty-fifth time,half of a cracker in hand (lunch;)) ...other half of cracker in my mouth, when my eyes met her eyes. The doors closed, I looked over at "her" and said smiling "I like your hat". And yes, I said it with food in my mouth, what on earth? She immediately responded "why thank you, darlin' I just finished my last chemo". I swallowed the cracker!!! "I am so happy for you, I am a survivor myself." "What kind" she said. "Breast Cancer, three years out." The doors open, just that quickly. "We are celebrating today, when it's over we celebrate" I say, bascically wanting to talk to her another hour, but it was a matter of two minutes. "Well, mine was stage three, it was bad and I just don't know" she said as she was turning to go down one hall and I another. And my response......"God is still in the healing business." Conversation OVER. I did think that was an odd thing to say, in case you are wondering. However, I am long OVER worrying about how something may sound in reference to God. So there you have it, two stories, two people, two lives, that add joy to my heart and remind me of my part of my new path. Now, I see that it's not just about getting through a day, surviving a crisis or having it all together. It's all about letting go and allowing God to show you in the moment, what you are to do, or to be. Only in the moment. In the present. What a gift. To be present with Him and present with yourself. I am learning and shifting, He is alongside. I am open to the path.

Welcome March! Welcome Spring!Thank you Lord for a new month, new growth and new mercies. I pray that you are also taking a look at your path to see what's working and what's not. What you can change, what you can surrender and what you can let go of to make room for something new. I only suggest what I am doing myself...smile.I say to myself "God is still in the healing business" and breathe a little easier.Embrace what season you are in, one day it's there, the next, it's over.

"And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered." Joel 2:32



  1. I think that's cool that you can share a moment like that in an elevator. I mean, today so many people are into their cell phone or ipods that there's no time for community, or sharing, ya know? What a great encouragement

  2. Thank you, I wish I could say I was always that "aware"! I am finding that God is opening up my path more to be aware of His purposes for my day and not my plan or my purpose! Very enlightening, my armor just has to go on very early in the morning so I can be aware...hope you have a great day..may you have a "moment" today:)


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