
"For everyone who has been born of God oversomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith." 1 John 5:4 "See you back in six months" my oncologist says cheerfully "it will be fall then". When the door closed those words rung in my ears. Six months. Alot can happen in six months. In fact, that was the exact time period of having a clear mammogram, a seemingly healthy thirty-five year old body to finding a lump in my breast, which turned out to be an aggessive, active cancer...just a few months after my thirty-sixth birthday. But this time, three years down the road, for some reason, I liked having a six month boundary or maybe even a goal for my life. I never want to forget how quickly life can change. This was my news for the day, it was just me, I was the one to hear and process and now it is up to me just what I will do with it!! As I was changing out of that beautiful gown and into my work clothes, I asked myself ...