
"He will teach us about His ways so we may walk in His paths." Micah 4:2

Path. Just saying the word can bring an emotion of excitement, insinuating that...number one, that we are on one! And number two,that there's direction!It's funny how many times our paths of life change, wind around, and come full circle to where we started. Maybe at thirty-nine I am realizing that the paths I choose now certainly, most certainly will circle back around and connect to the future. What that tells me is, choose wisely.
But, choosing for me, at this stage, on the path, looks nothing like it used to. It can no longer be a quick yes or "like it was" kind of feet will come to a stand still if I even attempt. And for that I am OVERJOYED! I want to walk, keep walking, learning the Lord's ways, even when they are misunderstood because I know that I am being taught by the best, Him. Every single part of my life has been woven into His chosen path for me, my part is to be close enough to him to know what the next step is, the next move, or when to not move at all. And in the process He is continuing to mold, shape and prepare me for the next path. I just had this on my heart this morning and wanted to share. I think the key element is prayer. I began in 2012 asking the Lord to really teach me how to pray this year, His way. It has opened up a new path for sure.

MOORE NEWS: Today is Jeff's 40th birthday! Happy Birthday, Jeff!!!
Abby is still loving horseriding lessons and is learning so much...she would rather be at "the barn" than anywhere;)
Luke is starting a new sport, Lacrosse next week, so we are gearing up for that!
And I have to tell you that my speaking engagement at the retreat last weekend was beyond what I can explain, the Lord really shared my testimony in a whole new way! Thus, after much prayer, I saw fruit of new paths ahead. Glory to His name. It's His story, He wrote it, I get to tell of His faithfulness! Thank you Lord Jesus.

I pray that you will begin to first seek Him to teach you His ways and then walk on His paths, it's worth it, it is abundantly worth it. Joy.Have a bright Wednesday!

"Lo, I am with you all the appointed days." Matthew 28:20



  1. Thank you for sharing. We are on a difficult path right now, and I'm not just referring to our loss of Chandler. We have a lot of other things going on in addition to that and it is taking it's toll. Sometimes I wonder does God really know what's happening to our family or has He moved on without us? Thank you for the reminder that He is with us "all the appointed days", even though I don't understand at all what He is up to.


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