Our Refuge
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1Good Morning my friends,
I hope that as this letter is opened, it can be your time of quiet and sitting before the Lord as I have this morning. Read the verse again and put your name or my where it says "our". "God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."I woke up this morning with many people on my heart in need of prayer, situations that seems impossible,and with a mission to seek wisdom from my Father. Let me preface this post by sharing that I started it on Tuesday...and this was my question to the Lord when I sat down to write. "What trouble do I have today, Lord, do I always have to write about trouble." When will I ever learn that He is always so gracious to prepare me for what lies ahead. No there was no crisis this week, no huge ordeal, just everyday distractions, disruptions, a disappointment or two and DIVINE REFUGE!!! It seems I am part of this illusion that once I get this or that done, then I can really have time to do this (whatever that is at the time..). I have bought into that and in the mean time, wear myself out! Well, I used to. I am seeing a change in myself, not so much in all that I wanted or want to change but in MYSELF! Because God has done it, is doing it, will continue to do it the rest of my life on this earth. I had an idea to post for twenty-one days, going through Psalm 46. Anyone interested? I would love for you to join me and give your insight! We can go through it together!I pray that it will be interactive, so leave comments or email your thoughts (smoore.suz@gmail.com) or facebook. Ok, if your in,take out that Bible and read over Psalm 46. These days you may just whip out that Iphone and pull up the Bible on there. I just want to encourage you to read God's word!
Today we are going to focus on the first verse. Just in this one verse there are three days of devotions. Three words, that are so powerful, each get a day of their own...refuge, strength, present. I am focused on the word refuge today. What exactly is it? Refuge means "protection from danger or pursuit." And what exactly does David say in Psalm 46:1 "God IS our refuge" not might be, sometimes, can be, IS. When I think of refuge, I usually think of a peaceful place, like a physical place..the beach or a quiet room. But PROTECTION, ahhhhh, thank you Lord. I have come to learn that is one word that stays within my heart and within my daily prayers. About six months before my cancer diagnosis, I had some other issues going in my life, and I began to notice a trend of my prayer requests being "for protection." At the time, I really had no idea protection from what (danger or pursuit). All I knew is there was a constant uneasiness within and I couldn't put my finger on it. Usually our human nature has to have something tangible to blame for such a feeling. What I was experiencing was uncertainty. Psalm 57:1 says "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by". I think at the time I was actually praying for relief from some of the stress that I had allowed into my soul. Yet the Lord knew there was way bigger mountains to climb in the future and was conditioning my heart. Many times we seek refuge because we simply just want out. OUT of the pain, out of the dark, out of the rut, out of chaos, out of complacency, out of the pressure, out of the responsibility, out of the target zone, anything but where we are! David knew this all too well and wrote about it "And I say, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest: yes, I would wander far away; I would lodge in the wilderness;" Psalm 55:6-7Been there, done that. Not effective, for long anyway. (As I write, this is tested, both kids want the computer, and now there's a throw down, oh my....refuge, Lord, refuge...I am flying into the nest, cover me;)). Notice the bird's nest at the top of the page, exposed, but waiting to be covered by the Mama Bird. God will cover you where you need it today. God is our refuge, our protection and He will help you through a crisis or dealing with an argument between siblings over a computer! He will show you a way for your situation. Seek Him.
MOORE NEWS: We are enjoying a very "productive" fall (like that better than busy). Luke's flag football team, The Texans won their game yesterday and he played a great game, so proud of him! Abby is taking her first horseback riding lesson this week, she is so excited! We are praying that Jeff gets his cast off this week and he is all healed!
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1
Have a wonderful Sunday, More tomorrow, our word is strength!!!
I hope that as this letter is opened, it can be your time of quiet and sitting before the Lord as I have this morning. Read the verse again and put your name or my where it says "our". "God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."I woke up this morning with many people on my heart in need of prayer, situations that seems impossible,and with a mission to seek wisdom from my Father. Let me preface this post by sharing that I started it on Tuesday...and this was my question to the Lord when I sat down to write. "What trouble do I have today, Lord, do I always have to write about trouble." When will I ever learn that He is always so gracious to prepare me for what lies ahead. No there was no crisis this week, no huge ordeal, just everyday distractions, disruptions, a disappointment or two and DIVINE REFUGE!!! It seems I am part of this illusion that once I get this or that done, then I can really have time to do this (whatever that is at the time..). I have bought into that and in the mean time, wear myself out! Well, I used to. I am seeing a change in myself, not so much in all that I wanted or want to change but in MYSELF! Because God has done it, is doing it, will continue to do it the rest of my life on this earth. I had an idea to post for twenty-one days, going through Psalm 46. Anyone interested? I would love for you to join me and give your insight! We can go through it together!I pray that it will be interactive, so leave comments or email your thoughts (smoore.suz@gmail.com) or facebook. Ok, if your in,take out that Bible and read over Psalm 46. These days you may just whip out that Iphone and pull up the Bible on there. I just want to encourage you to read God's word!
Today we are going to focus on the first verse. Just in this one verse there are three days of devotions. Three words, that are so powerful, each get a day of their own...refuge, strength, present. I am focused on the word refuge today. What exactly is it? Refuge means "protection from danger or pursuit." And what exactly does David say in Psalm 46:1 "God IS our refuge" not might be, sometimes, can be, IS. When I think of refuge, I usually think of a peaceful place, like a physical place..the beach or a quiet room. But PROTECTION, ahhhhh, thank you Lord. I have come to learn that is one word that stays within my heart and within my daily prayers. About six months before my cancer diagnosis, I had some other issues going in my life, and I began to notice a trend of my prayer requests being "for protection." At the time, I really had no idea protection from what (danger or pursuit). All I knew is there was a constant uneasiness within and I couldn't put my finger on it. Usually our human nature has to have something tangible to blame for such a feeling. What I was experiencing was uncertainty. Psalm 57:1 says "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by". I think at the time I was actually praying for relief from some of the stress that I had allowed into my soul. Yet the Lord knew there was way bigger mountains to climb in the future and was conditioning my heart. Many times we seek refuge because we simply just want out. OUT of the pain, out of the dark, out of the rut, out of chaos, out of complacency, out of the pressure, out of the responsibility, out of the target zone, anything but where we are! David knew this all too well and wrote about it "And I say, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest: yes, I would wander far away; I would lodge in the wilderness;" Psalm 55:6-7Been there, done that. Not effective, for long anyway. (As I write, this is tested, both kids want the computer, and now there's a throw down, oh my....refuge, Lord, refuge...I am flying into the nest, cover me;)). Notice the bird's nest at the top of the page, exposed, but waiting to be covered by the Mama Bird. God will cover you where you need it today. God is our refuge, our protection and He will help you through a crisis or dealing with an argument between siblings over a computer! He will show you a way for your situation. Seek Him.
MOORE NEWS: We are enjoying a very "productive" fall (like that better than busy). Luke's flag football team, The Texans won their game yesterday and he played a great game, so proud of him! Abby is taking her first horseback riding lesson this week, she is so excited! We are praying that Jeff gets his cast off this week and he is all healed!
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1
Have a wonderful Sunday, More tomorrow, our word is strength!!!
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