IS Safe

"The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe." Proverbs 29:25
Two more white crosses in the sky...Friday, September 16, 2011 9:00 am

Whoever trusts in the LORD is safe. Not a little safe, not maybe safe, but IS safe. This is the truth of the Lord and I believe it. I am safe, you are safe. Isn't that at the top of our list of Okay friends I have much to say this early morning and I pray that God will streamline my words to speak to you. Much has happened since I last posted about friends and by the way thanks to all of you who have commented and emailed (maybe we can all get a tutorial about how to leave comments on here or receive an email when I have posted...any of you who are bloggers, I need a tutor..ha). HMMM...not streamling too well yet, smile!

On Friday, I went to my sixth month check-up with my oncologist, Dr. Cara Bondly at Bruno Cancer Center, St. Vincent's Hospital. My appointment was supposed to be tomorrow but I called on Wednesday after another vertigo episode Tuesday night. I have had migraine headaches for about six years and they seem to be at a high right now??I prayed about changing the appointment, as I always feel like I am taking up an appointment that someone else may need, silly I know. I talked to the nurse and she said that Dr. Bondly was booked solid (oh that hurts to think that many people need an oncologist). So, I hung up the phone and began thanking the Lord that he had answered my prayer, I know He is with me and I was to wait until Monday. The phone rings right back..I recognized the number and the nurse I had just spoken with says "Suzanne,we have just had a cancellation, want to come in Friday at 10:00??" Sounds familiar, but everything has changed, I had a choice in the matter. I quickly said "yes, I would like to get a full work up on my bloodwork and talk to her about seeing a neurologist for these headaches." Done. Wow, that changed quickly.

Now any follow up visit, for me, is a call to prayer. I am not fearful, not nervous (except when they call me to come back for whatever reason), I describe it as "bracing myself". Bracing myself, positioning myself that all bloodwork will be fine and I am off the hook for another six months!On Friday, I got dressed for work, drove the carpool and made a few work calls and then headed to the cancer center. Usually it's and in and out appointment. I felt a peace seeing the familiar faces of the nurses I have grown to love, I felt safe. I explained that something felt off, no rhyme or reason, just tired,joint pain, headaches and these crazy dizzy and vertigo spells! They were very compassionate and to be honest, I wanted to just say I am fine, can I go home now?? I got my beautiful gown on to go with my bandages on each arm, my accessories...the veins put a fight to get the blood needed. But we perservered! I sat waiting, flipping through a magazine about Sheryl Crow and how her life had changed since her cancer diagnosis. All went fine with the exam, I was telling her my "stuff" and then she calmly said..."we'll need to do another brain MRI before I send you to the neurologist" response.."yuck, really? I hate those things!!" She didn't blink " yes and a pet scan, just to rule out.., I don't think it's cancer but any specialist will have to rule that out from now on." A pet scan. I haven't had one of those since the friday after my diagnosis and at that time, I was so naive to even know what a pet scan really is. It's a test to see if there is any cancer anywhere else in the body. Now I am in full "Bracing myself" mode. Not what I wanted to hear, and hadn't even thought we would go that way. Wow, that changed quickly. On my way out, the nurse told me my blood levels were good and my chemistry tests good (I take that as a good thing...). My appointments are on Wednesday, September 21 at 9:00 and 10:00. I immediately noticed the 21st, do you remember the story of Daniel, when God told him he answered his prayer on the first day, but He was in quite a fight for the remaining twenty?I love the first day of each month and the twenty first day of the of course! That made me feel safe. My ititial thought was to carry this and not many people at all. It's just a precautionary measure, right?? Well, that was my plan and God over ruled for the sake of prayer and building more faith, more trust and more power. I need you to pray that I can lay in that MRI without an anxious thought. I need you to pray that there is no cancer lurking. I need you to pray for the total healing of these migraine headaches. I need you to go to the Father for me, but please go in thanksgiving for what He has done, for what He is doing and stay with Him a while. "The fear of man lays a snare..." In the big scheme of things, this is an occurence...NOTHING HAS CHANGED, NO MATTER WHAT. I am not moved by what it looks like, I am trusting in the ONE who IS Safe!!! Who has promised me He will be with me, never to leave or forsake.

MOORE NEWS: As I haven't just given you an ear full...we had the best time at the "Head over Teal" event for Ovarian Cancer...the kids were the cutest ever...the girls (Abby and Sophia) went on their own and I had the boys (Luke and Nick) with me on the 5K, well, kinda 5K. I noticed about half way that the three of us were actually behind the Medical golf cart!! Yes you have to laugh, I was talking with old friends and didn't realize that we were bringing in the rear!Just to clarify, I had Luke snap a picture
After a little whining, I told the boys we could take a short cut and this is what they thought about that idea
And the girls finished...Awesome, Abby and Sophia!!!
They are with our friend Libby, a lake neighbor, who encouraged me to share so people would know to pray! It was what I needed yesterday, thanks Libby!
Now brace yourself....while playing with the kids, Jeff did not quite step off that skateboard right and fell and BROKE HIS WRIST...yep, a trip to the ER confirmed. So add that to your prayer list...He has handled it really well, though I know it has to hurt!The price of being a cool dad is high, He is an awesome Dad! The kids can't quit asking what color cast he will get...isn't that halarious? Wow, things change quickly...we have quite a week ahead, but I know you are with me and I know my God is with me and we are all safe, trusting in Him.

"And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him." John 8:29

Enjoy your Sunday!To God be the Glory!


  1. Love you, friend, and am praying that you get an "all clear" soon!


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