His Handiwork

"The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Psalm 19:1

This is the very first thing I wrote on Caringbridge as I began telling my story..(January 2009)"On Sunday, as I was getting ready for church, I decided to take off the bandage from the biopsy. When I peeled it off, I was holding two steri-strips that made a white cross----at that moment I knew that this is not about me, it's about Jesus Christ and by His wounds I am healed. By no other way, He is the way, the truth and the life!(John 14:6)."

What do YOU see here? A beautiful blue sky, trees, certainly the beauty of God's creation...Notice the white cross in the sky? This picture was taken on Wednesday in Gardendale, Alabama. My job took me there, at that time and at that place. We had a Health Fair at the Gardendale Civic Center and I wheeled up to the front entrance to unload all the TherapySOUTH goodies. My car was packed, I have learned that much is needed to pull off good presentation (or better said like this...lots of stuff for people to put in their bag;). I stepped out of the car, heels and all, headed to the trunk, when I stopped in my tracks. There was the Lord speaking to me. A white cross in the sky. My sign to remind me that this life I am living, IT'S ABOUT HIM. I smiled the biggest smile and said thank you (in my mind, to the Lord...ha). I grabbed my iphone and snapped a picture. What I didn't notice until I looked at the picture was the pink ribbon on the lamp post (right of picture). Look at Him. I did notice the fountain at the entrance had pink water and there were signs about a Breast Cancer Walk. And then HIS handiwork in the sky!I had that moment, but quickly had to refocus and get the "stuff" inside. I picked out a table, threw down my stash and came back out to the car. I parked in the lot and looked up again.
You have to look closely but now there's two white crosses!!! Double portion..I am not surprised, God always does more. He makes the ordinary, EXTRORIDINARY. Need I tell you that the Health Fair was a success? It all works together (Romans 8:28)both supernaturally and naturally. I pray that you will look for Him today. He is the only consistency in our lives. Have a glorious weekend and Read Psalm 19 today...His Handiwork.Don't forget to always look up!! Much love sent your way at the crack of dawn this morning!!!

"The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making the wise simple." Psalm 19:7



  1. you're on a roll! once you got started on this I knew you would have so much to share :) Blessings to YOU!


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