Eternal Weight

"For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." 2 Corinthians 4:17

Hey there, good evening (and almost goodnight for me;)! I hope your week is going well as we cruise into hump day tomorrow. Today was quite rainy, alot rainy, in Birmingham and as the day went on, I proceeded to more drenched, heels included! At one point I was on the highway and could barely see the car lights in front of me, at 1:00 pm!But I kept truckin' wet as I could!Luckily I had declared this a ponytail day because we all woke up late. It was one of those days. A good day, but it sure was good to get home! Yesterday was equally as busy, went with Jeff to get his cast on, he chose crimson red! Then Abby to the orthodontist, the braces are coming in November! And seeing doctors in between for I am telling you all this to say... I have not had much time to think about the MRI tomorrow, or the scan and when I do, I have a peace!!!Know why? "I am still and know the HE is God."
This continues to be part of my life story, being still when God is working! A friend gave me this piece of art when I started my chemotherapy. I love the it fits perfectly on the pane of my window in front of my desk. I love that it's on a simple piece of wood and written in white. Notice I have my initials on each side and like always, I wanted a picture. When I looked at it, all i saw was the white cross that was formed from my window panes...I couldn't have done that if I tried! So the message tonight is "Suzanne Moore be still and know that I am God". Put your name in that blank for your situation. Now mind you, I am gonna have to seriously "BE STILL" in those machines tomorrow!!!But tonight I am gonna say my prayers, let the Lord tuck me in and let my mind be still. All is well. This is a "slight momentary affliction" and the eternal weight of His glory is the purpose. I know that. I believe that and I praise my God for who He is, my Lord. I thank Him in advance for all His protection, His mercy and His love over my body. I also lift up you, my friends for what your tomorrow holds. I pray that you are still.

Here's my schedule: 9:00 brain MRI, 10:30 Pet Scan, 12:30 a romantic hospital cafeteria lunch with Jeff (ha), 1:30-3:00 free time???and 3:15 meet my new Neurologist..and get my test results (I pray)..6:00 SMBC Cancer Support Group...And God is with me through it all (and Jeff too, thankful for that:)))I will try and post as I know you are all praying. And my heart is wide open in appreciation! Much love!

"A man's steps are from the LORD; how then can man understand his way?" Proverbs 4:20



  1. Man, I missed one post and all of this! Many prayers for tomorrow and for a headache free day. Tell Jeff I think his cast is cool! Really??? I think he used to be more coordinated. ;)



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